Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Alabama Institute For Deaf And Blind - 1753 Words

The Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind serves as an educational resource for individuals who are deaf, blind, deaf-blind, and multi-disabled. I chose this agency because it has been mentioned in my communicative disorders classes. As a future speech language pathologist I want to learn about this agency and discover the programs it offers to help me with my future clients. The Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind is relative to this course because as mentioned in the textbook and other course material, resources and programs that offer assistance to individuals with disabilities are essential to their successful futures. This agency is a means in which people who are deaf and blind can seek assistance to improve their skills of communication and this is ultimately my goal as a speech language pathologist. Joseph Henry Johnson, a young medical doctor, was inspired by his younger deaf brother to establish the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind in 1858. The Johnson family remained i nvolved with the school for years to come. For instance, Joseph Henry Johnson was the school’s first president, his sister was the first teacher, and his son, Joseph Henry Johnson Jr., succeeded him as president. Johnson’s brother-in-law, Reuben R. Asbury was visually impaired during the Civil War, and founded the Alabama School for the Blind. This family’s commitment to helping the deaf and blind has forged the campus to grow from Talladega to eight regional centers across the state ofShow MoreRelatedThe Alabama Institute For Deaf And Blind1761 Words   |  8 Pagesprograms to meet their everyday needs. The Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind serves as an educational resource for individuals who are deaf, blind, deaf-blind, and multi-disabled. I decided to research this agency because it has been referenced in my communicative disorders classes. As a future speech language pathologist, I want to learn about this agency and discover the programs it offers to h elp me with my future clients. The Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind is relative to this course becauseRead More Helen Keller Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pagesinspiring woman of America. She was a writer and lecturer who fought for the rights of disadvantaged people all over the world. Most importantly, she overcame her two most difficult obstacles, being blind and deaf. Helen Keller devoted her life to improving the education and treatment of the blind, deaf, and mute and fighting for minorities as well. Miss Keller was one of the first to educate the public and make them aware of inflicted individuals potential. Because of her persistence and strengthRead MoreEssay On Helen Keller1214 Words   |  5 Pagesspecial lady who was born in Tuscumbia Alabama. The special lady I was referring too was Helen Keller, I didn’t really know much about her except for the fact that she was blind and deaf. I have also heard about the play and the movie â€Å"Miracle Worker† t hat was based off of her life. Little did I know I was in for a treat, learning about this magnificent woman’s life and the influence she had on the deaf community. Helen Keller’s early life started in Tuscumbia Alabama where she was born and raised. HelenRead MoreHellen Keller Essay1201 Words   |  5 Pageshigh fever left her deaf and blind at nineteen months of age. Take a peek into the life, education, and career of Helen Keller. (American Foundation for the Bind) Helen Keller didn’t start out with any problems. She was born a healthy child. Then, at nineteen months old she got a really high fever that could have been Scarlet fever, which can cause people to have a very high fever of up to 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. This sickness went away but left her deaf and blind for the rest of herRead MoreHelen Keller an Astonishing Soldier in the Battle Against Blindness627 Words   |  3 PagesHelen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. She was raised by her mother and father, Arthur Keller and Kate Adams. At a very young age keller was stricken with what they claim to have been either rubella or scarlet fever; as a result, Keller was left deaf and blind. Although, this led to challenges and raised many contradictions as to whether keller would live, but not only live but strive in life this was motivation to Keller. Even with all of the obstacles Helen faced , she wouldRead MoreEssay Helen Keller: Author, Lecturer, P olitical Activist1049 Words   |  5 PagesHelen Keller is one of the most inspirational people in American history. She had to overcome physical disabilities and many other obstacles to live the life that she did. Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her parents, Arthur Keller and Kate Adams, both served for the Confederates in the Civil War (Thompson, 2003). Like most parents, they were ecstatic when Keller was born. At 18 months old, she was a happy, healthy baby already learning to say her first few words. HoweverRead More Hellen Keller Essay1460 Words   |  6 PagesHellen Keller Helen Keller was born on 27 June 1880 in Alabama. Her father was a newspaper editor. She was a lively and healthy child with a friendly personality. She could walk and even say a few simple words. In 1882 she caught a fever that was so bad she almost died. When it was over she could no longer see or hear. Because she could not hear it was also very hard to speak. She was 18 months old when this happened. But Helen was not someone who gave up easily. SoonRead More The Touch Of Magic By Lorena Hickok Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pagesbecause they were mentally sick or anything, but because they had nowhere else to go. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Their mother had died of tuberculosis and their father had left them. None of their relatives wanted them because Annie was nearly blind and Jimmie had something wrong with his hip and had to walk with a crutch. Annies one year old sister was taken right away by her aunt and uncle because she was darling. Nobody knew where to send them so thats how she ended up at the infirmary. ARead MoreHelen Keller: An Idol to Deaf People?2987 Words   |  12 Pages HELEN KELLER AN IDOL TO DEAF PEOPLE? Rona M. Stanley HIS 331: History of the American Deaf Community December 1, 2013 As children, many of us watched â€Å"The Miracle Worker,† the movie that showcased Helen Keller as a deaf blind child in need of communication. Through the movie, we came to admire and sympathize for this character as the movie portrays her perseverance to overcome her disabilities instead of resigning to them. The love and bond between her and her teacher, Anne SullivanRead MoreThe Story of My Life2883 Words   |  12 Pagesprofessor named John Albert Macy, who later married her first teacher and lifelong companion, Anne Sullivan. In the book Helen recounts the first twenty-two years of her life, from the events of the illness in her early childhood that left her blind and deaf through her second year at Radcliffe College. Prominent historical figures wander among the pages of The Story of My Life: She meets Alexander Graham Bell when she is only six and remains friends with him for years; she visits the acclaimed American

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