Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Religion and Prejudice

I Will Never Be an Adventist! While growing up, I live In the same neighborhood with some staunch Adventists. I cannot tell but I Just have never been fascinated by going to church on Saturday? maybe It would be how the system made going to church on Saturday look. My friends had been called upon to do various sporting castles for the church, but It had never come to me to even visit them. I must confess, and may God forgive me my sins, that the Seventh Day Adventist church would have been the last church I would o and fellowship with.I had no basis for this prejudice. However, God works in mysterious ways and that is why I have always feared Him. It took an SAD clergy to convince me to be baptized. It was this pastor who made me see the need to be baptized when I happened to be at the Week of Spiritual Emphasis (WOES). I'm not saying my own church pastor couldn't convince to be baptized though?I wouldn't like to be drawn into any controversy. I'm Just giving honor to whom honor Is d ue. This pastor, As. Ballista, reiterated the words ofHushes Himalayas to Anomalous that until one Is born of water and the split, Just like Jesus Himself was, one cannot see the Kingdom of God. I had tried to be baptized, but I hadn't been able due to some circumstances beyond my control. At a time in my own church, I did my best to start the bible teaching leading to the baptism only to be discouraged getting to the latter part. I saw the opportunity given me at the WOES to make the most important decision in my life; to act upon my faith irrespective of my religious affiliation; and to seize the day–as the Astor said I may not get this opportunity again.In conformity with the church policy, the new converts of the WOES were to be baptized the following Sabbath, but I couldn't make It due to some occurrence best known to God only. An arrangement was made for me alone to be baptized the following Sabbath though, Finally on that day, the pastor called to Introduce me to the e ntire congregation, be endorsed and prayed for. As I walked through the aisles, unfortunately for me coming from the last column-seat at the back, my knees and eggs weakened as my steps felt awkward.I made it to the front of the congregation, the church was asked whether or not they consented to my baptismal, and they overwhelmingly accepted me. When I turned round to look at the number of hands in the air endorsing my baptismal, I was surprised and felt very special that day since I hadn't felt like that in a very long time. Now which faith baptized me of water and the spirit giving me the opportunity to, maybe, enter Heaven! Who am I to say I don't like the Adventist faith!I feel ashamed o call myself an Adventist, but I cannot change the purpose of God?I am Indeed an Adventist. While growing up, I live in the same neighborhood with some staunch Adventists. I maybe it would be how the system made going to church on Saturday look. My friends had been called upon to do various sport ing activities for the church, but it Emphasis (WOES). I'm not saying my own church pastor couldn't convince to be baptized though?I wouldn't like to be drawn into any controversy. I'm Just giving honor to whom honor is due.This pastor, As. Ballista, reiterated the words of Hushes Whimsical to Nicknames that until one is born of water and the spirit, Just like Jesus Himself was, one cannot see the Kingdom of God. Baptized the following Sabbath, but I couldn't make it due to some occurrence best following Sabbath though. Finally on that day, the pastor called to introduce me to maybe, enter Heaven! Who am I to say I don't like the Adventist faith! I feel ashamed to call myself an Adventist, but I cannot change the purpose of God?I am indeed an

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