Thursday, December 26, 2019

Marketing Analysis Marketing Management - 1566 Words

Joseph Anchor BME-213804-01 Marketing Management Professor Jordan Fructer April 10th, 2016 Conventionally, before a consumer buys a product, he/she will follow a sequence of events known as â€Å"hierarchy of effects.† It all starts with the consumer being aware that the product exists. In this essay we will go through how various websites go about creating awareness of the products to the last step of making the potential client make the last move; order. Marketing experts concur that brand awareness in any industry gives a business an edge. Creating brand awareness accomplishes a number of objectives for businesses that are seeking to increase revenues in the market place. Brand awareness drive has to be supple enough to grow with the firm and be able to adjust if necessary. Business firm needs to seek to build customer awareness endorse its website and add value (Nathan, 2011). Brand awareness usually follows a particular progression, which more often than not, customers do not think through when deciding to buy a product. Initially, the customer has a perceived need for the product, and then he/she will seek/evaluate the available alternatives, though in some cases will opt to buy what is convenient, such as buying a drink. At the same time, he will attach value, both personal and financial, on the product he/she would like to buy. Awareness can be created by advertisers launching new services, promote a brand, sell merchandise, or simply directing visitors to their WebShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing Management1674 Words   |  7 Pages 402C-2: MARKETING METRICS INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1 Submitted to: Professor Rakesh Niraj Submitted by: Amber Shukla Case Western Reserve University Summer 2015 1. (a) Marketers should become data driven because: †¢ To know the impact of marketing investment: With the help of an accurate data, one can predict the output or significant and measurable performance impact in future of marketing investments made today. This helps in predicting whether the marketing plan is worth investing in or notRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Management1451 Words   |  6 Pagesstanding up to the marketing supervisor. A set of associations in every space go after the dependability of the focused on business sector; the consumers/citizens are the decision makers, with their decision normally suggesting some level of responsibility; and the channels of correspondence and influence are practically vague† (Mauser, 1983). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Women And The Jewish Religion - 979 Words

Throughout history the roles people have play a major part in how their society is run. Roles in societies are used as a way to establish order. By giving each person a specific role it allows them to carry out specific duties and obligations. Each religion has a certain way they perceive and treat certain people. It can be based on class, intelligence or even gender. Gender plays a big part in how a society is run. Judaism is one religion where â€Å"it believes, and continues to maintain, that within its religious life men and women have distinct and differentiated roles (Sacks, 1978).† Sacks explains, â€Å"that human freedom extends to the freedom to choose our commitments and obligations and since we do not choose to be a man or a woman how then can our being one or the other have any moral or religious significance (Sacks, 1978)?† In this essay I will address how and why woman are treated very respectfully in the Jewish religion rather than the misconception that they are treated in a degrading way. Judaism bases its foundation of understanding around the Torah. The Torah is the whole body of Jewish law and teachings or the Jewish bible. â€Å"Judaism may be described as an ethical monotheism, a religion based on a concept that there is a single incorporeal God who gives commandments which constitute a moral law for all humanity (Lacey, 2007).† Judaism is based on religious laws. â€Å"The Oral Law is a legal commentary on the Torah, explaining how its commandments are to be carriedShow MoreRelatedRole of Women in Jewish Religion1254 Words   |  6 PagesWe have been taught about several religions throughout this course, but one religion that has really caught me, is Judaism. There are many interesting facts about the Jewish community, religion, and such. However, I’m going to just talk about Jewish women and the roles they play in the Jewish community. In traditional Judaism, women are for the most part seen as separate but equal. Women s obligations and respons ibilities are different from men s, but no less important. As a matter of fact, women’sRead MoreThree Main Religions in the Middle East 897 Words   |  4 PagesMany have heard the term â€Å"the three major religions†, but how many know what is meant by this? The three major religions are referring to the religions in the Middle East countries, such as Iran, Iraq, etc. The religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. With the close proximity of these countries, but the differing views on things, mainly religion, creates some conflicts and hostility. In America, people are allowed to worship who they want, and believe in what they choose. When someone saysRead MoreModern Challenges Of The Middle East Around 4000 Years Ago Essay1612 Words   |  7 Pages Modern Challenges Shady Rizkalla REL/134 Mr. Firpo Carr January 6, 2016 Modern Challenges Judaism impelled in the Middle East around 4000 years ago (Brill, 2012). Abraham, who was Hebrew, is considered as the father of the Jewish confidence since he propped up the focal thought of the rule that there is one God. During the period, numerous individuals worshiped numerous divine beings particularly in the Middle East. Abraham and his wife Sarah had confidence in God in spite of the factRead MoreAbrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam1302 Words   |  5 PagesAbrahamic faith and originated in the Middle East over three thousand five hundred years ago. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, revealed over one thousand four hundred years ago in Mecca, Arabia. These three faiths share many common characteristics when it comes to their outlook on god, women in society, and afterlife. Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion. It is based on the original covenant made between Abraham and god when he was told to leave his home in Ur and travel toRead MoreJudaism : The Dynamic Nature Of Judaism957 Words   |  4 Pagessuccessful living religion as a result of its strongly withheld characteristics. Through essential characteristics such as central beliefs, sacred texts, writings, ethical teachings and rituals and ceremonies, Judaism offers a dynamic nature and liveable religion that connects an individual and society with its roots. The way this living religion advances and grows is because of its dynamic characteristics as a whole. Importantly, these characteristics combined form the true nature of the religion rather thanRead MoreModern Political History of Israel and Iran1435 Words   |  6 Pages Since World War II, religion has played a significant role in the modern political history of Israel and Iran. Both countries are self-defined theological states (Is rael as a Jewish state, Iran as an Islamic state). Although the impact of religion changes across time and context, religion has largely defined political identity for both Israel and Iran. Yet, modern states are host to many paradoxes. Religion is important in defining these states, however the workings of each country are not alwaysRead More The Role of Women in Judaism Essay1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe Role of Women in Judaism Some say that the role of women in Judaism has been misrepresented and misunderstood. Today when people think of womens role in Judaism, they think of them as being of very low importance. Yet, threw the Halakha (Jewish laws) we are able to see how significant the role of women is in Judaism. There are many Jewish feminist leaders in todays society. This is because throughout the years of education and study of Judaism, the women learned that everyone must be respectedRead MoreThe Influence Of Rabbinic Judaism On Jewish Traditions972 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å" Despite the theological claims of the Jewish traditions, it is actually not God who legislates in Rabbinic Judaism, but the Rabbis.† Rabbis are predominantly Jewish scholar who studies and educated Jewish law. The comprehension of these people is acknowledged through a religious ceremony where one is suitably a Rabbi. Rabbis undertake in a preponderance of generating the oral and written laws, even seen as a figure c loser to God than any one else in the community. They have signified a remarkableRead MoreThe Cultural World of Jewish Women Explained in Daughters of Tradition by Alicia Ramos-Gonzà ¡lez1806 Words   |  7 Pages the cultural world of Jewish women in Eastern Europe during the 16th-19th century. I believe that culture takes root in ones’ identity not only as an individual, but also in ones’ identity with their people and nation. Based on this belief, I have chosen to focus my explorations on the patterns found in the bases of Jewish identity among the women in Yiddish culture during this time. Despite the negative impacts towards gender equality which arose though preventing women from obtaining skills suchRead MoreJewish Nation and Religious Persecution1627 Words   |  7 PagesWhile religion has the power to draw people together, it can also tear people apart. Throughout history, the Jewish nation has been plagued by persecution as a result of their religion. In Medieval times, the Jews faced blood libels and crusades. If they were to convert, then they would become accepted members into society; however, if they were to remain true to their religious ideals they would be killed. In modern Europe, Jews faced struggles such as Emancipation and the Holocaust. All they wanted

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Total Quality Management for Quality Management - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Total Quality Management for Quality Management. Answer: Overview: The assignment integrates total quality management and quality control theory with the given case study. The case study opens with Bob Solver, the new director and quality assurance manager at a manufacturing plant conversing with Pat Little, the quality control manager. Their conversation reveals the total quality management deficiency, which was affecting the productivity of the company. The study and analysis of the case study would proceed under the light of two theories, namely total quality management concepts and quality control theory. Total Quality Management refers to controlling and bringing in continuous improvements in all the areas of operations namely human resource management, financing and marketing. The aim of TQM is to streamline the operations of the companies to ensure high quality products and maximum satisfaction of the customers (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The quality control theory defines quality control as the process to judge, inspect and review the quality of all the factors of production. QC embraces various areas like usage of raw materials, allocations of human resources and financial resources. QCs today even consider soft elements like integrity, motivation and team spirit (Mitra, 2016). The researcher would incorporate both TQM and QC concepts while delving into the case study. Excavating deeper: As per the case study, a deeper excavation into the conversation between Bob Solver and Pat Little reveal that there existed acute total quality control management and quality control. There existed issues with the filling plant, which filled grease into the grease cans. The filling equipment put excess pressure on the grease spray cans, which requires perforating holes to realise the pressure. The conversation revealed lack of career planning for the employees by the human resource department. This was evident from the holding back of the promotion of Pat to employ Bob in spite of the fact that Pat was already holding a managerial post in the company and deserving a promotion (Fullerton, Kennedy Widener, 2014). The third quality issue in the manufacturing company is that there existed acute lack of cooperation and coordination between the employees and departments. Al Grey, the line inspector tagged the cans having poor quality to be sent to the rework department. The production department in order to meet the client requirement surpassed the quality control department and shipped the products namely, the cans. This analysis showed that there existed lack of cooperation between not only the employees but also their departments. This lack of coordination resulted in shipment of poor quality products (Albliwi, et al., 2014). Another example of lack of collaboration between departments was that the marketing departments emphasised on a particular shape of the cans to make them visually appealing. However, the design of the can created pressure on the content inside which often resulted in additional perforation to release the pressure (Benavides-Velasco, Quintana-Garca Marchante-Lara, 2014). This shows that the lack of coordination led to faulty product strategy among the departments. These factors impeded the spray manufacturing company achieving its target rate of production. The presence of conflict between the departments led to shipment of unfit products. The aim of the production department was to ship products irrespective of their quality. Thus, the production department only worked on meeting short term profit and had no long term goal like gaining loyal consumer base and business expansion by providing quality products. Issues with quality management: The above discussion brought into light several issues of quality management pertaining to the machinery, human resource management and departmental coordination. The machinery, which filled the cans, was purchased for production of another product. It required frequent repairs. This shows that the management used inappropriate machinery to fill the spray cans. The next issue with total quality management was with the management of personnel. The personnel who operated the filling machine lacked appropriate training and commitment to high quality performance. The managers lacked commitment and leadership qualities. For example, Budd the manufacturing manager took no initiative to improve productivity of the manufacturing unit (Leithwood, 2016). This analysis of the issues clearly points out that the lack of total quality management existed at all levels of hierarchy in the grease and spray-manufacturing firm. Personnel: As per the case study, the personnel responsible for operating the filling equipment lacked formal training of operating equipment and received informal training from Bud. The operator who operated the filling equipment as a result lacked commitment to produce quality products and did not cooperate with Al Gray. The case study bears no example to show that he took initiatives to rectify the operating errors, which Gray pointed out. This analysis showed that the personnel operating the machinery did not follow total quality management which to production of faulty products (Sommer et al., 2015). Moreover, total quality management aims to achieve high quality in products offering to customers to ensure customer satisfy, repeat business generation and earning of revenue. The theory and practice of TQM has to be enforced from the top followed by the medium and lower level. The lack of commitment and sense of responsibility of the operator shows that the top management of the company was not concerned about enforcing TQM in the company (Pathak, 2015). Plant maintenance: As per the case study, the automated filling equipment was acquired for another product but was shifted into filling spray bottles with greasy paint. One of the most important criteria of total quality maintenance is to acquire appropriate sets of machinery and plants to ensure production of goods according to the customers requirements. This also ensures low cost of production of goods, thus giving financial sustainability to the business organisations. However, the management of the spray manufacturing company acquired inappropriate machinery. This discussion showed that the management did not follow total quality management and quality control standards (Attri et al., 2013). Frequent breakdown of the machinery led to loss of productivity and prevented attaining high level of productivity. The apex management of the firm should stress on obtaining appropriate machinery to fill the cans without exerting high pressure within them. The plant maintenance department should emphasis on i mproving the plant maintenance standard to ensure high productivity with minimum wastage of raw materials and loss of productivity due o frequent breakdowns. The purchasing department: As per the case study, the operations of the purchase department showed acute lack of total quality management. Managing the production process in order to source high quality of raw materials is one of the main characteristics of total quality management. The case study showed that the firm purchased nozzles with burnt marks from a local supplier. The burning of the nozzles distorted their shapes (Pathak, 2015). The study however bears no evidence of the purchase manager or the apex management taking any initiative to change the supplier. Product design and packaging department: Total quality management requires the apex management of the business organisations ensuring collaboration between departments to streamline their activities with the organisational strategies (Tshabuse Pretorius, 2016). The case study shows that product design and packaging department designed the cans with raised sides as per the requirements of the marketing department to make them look more attractive. However, this raising of the sides made filling the problems more difficult. This shows that the marketing and the packaging department did not coordinate with the product-manufacturing department. The manufacturing manager: As per the case study, the manufacturing manager was not committed to manufacturing of high quality finished products-the cans of greasy spray for industrial purpose. The manufacturing manager did not show any initiative to source high quality and machine friendly nozzles. Total quality management requires the organisations to produce goods as per the necessity of the consumers. The producers today emphasise on the benefit of the customer and design their goods to maximise convenience of the consumers. The factory in the case study manufactured nozzles, which put high pressure on the cans. One can infer from the discussion that the high pressure could cause the nozzles to blow off, thus causing harm to the customers. This showed that the manufacturing organisation was not committed to ensure the safety of the customers (Sommer et al., 2015). This analysis shows that the industrial spray manufacturing company did not implement total quality management in its operations. The marketing department: As per the case study, the modes of operation of the marketing department showed that it was not committed to ensure customer satisfaction. The marketing departments play a very significant role in ensuring high quality products by communicating the requirements of the customers to the organisations. They ensure that the companies maximise customer satisfaction by producing high quality products and generate huge revenue (Hajmohammad et al., 2013). However, the marketing department took no such initiative. The manufacturing company took no steps to rectify the packaging faults, which remained on the bodies of the cans. It was merely interested in selling cartons of industrial spray without having concern for the customers benefit. Problem analysis: The analysis of the roles of the key departments like marketing and manufacturing departments sheds light on several problems in the manufacturing firms. The evaluation of the issues of the important personnel like manufacturing manager and their subordinates like machine operator shows that the lack of total quality management existed at all levels including the apex level. Total quality management aims to produce goods and services as per the demand of the customers. The demands of the organisations are regarded as the parameters quality. The apex management forms the strategic business strategies like manufacturing, marketing and financing. The apex management makes policies, which are then communicated, to the subordinates by the departmental heads and middle level managers (Appendix). The organisations today adopt Six Sigma and lean manufacturing to align the operations of all departments to ensure high productivity within a short period (Tshabuse Pretorius, 2016). The evaluation of the case study in the light of the above discussion on TQM revealed that the human resource department did not provide any formal training to enhance the performance of the machine operator. The manufacturing manager did not take any action even after proven lack of commitment of the operator towards machinery maintenance. The management did not take any initiative to replace the faulty machinery. The purchase department acquired low quality nozzles from local suppliers. The purchase manager was aware about the fact but did not take step to acquire suppliers supplying high quality nozzles. This showed that the management did not incorporate TQM to acquire quality supply chain to provide the company with high quality raw materials (Attri et al., 2013). The analysis of the faulty manufacturing process shows that the lack of TQM existed in the middle level management due to lack of intervention from the top management. The managers of did not cooperate and collaborate with each to streamline the production and selling process (Pathak, 2015). For example, the marketing department did not collaborate with the production department to ensure high quality products. As per the case study, the practice of total quality management emphasises on the ensuring benefits of stakeholders like customers and employees. The case shows that the manufacturing did not train its employees to enhance their competencies. The faulty manufacturing process of the resulted in cans of industrial spray with faulty nozzles which could blow off due to extreme pressure and harm the user. The machine did not receive proper maintenance, which left chances of accidents and breakdown resulting in injuries or fatalities. This analysis showed that the industrial spray-manufacturing firm did not take steps to ensure benefits of its internal stakeholders, the employees and the external stakeholders, the industrial organisations who purchased the spray and their employees (Hajmohammad et al., 2013). The above discussion reveals that the industrial spray-manufacturing firm did not follow TQM and resulted in manufacturing faulty cans of sprays capable of hurting the user. This situation calls for recommendations of both long term and short strategies, which the firm should adopt to improve its present situation. Recommendations: The following are the recommendations to the management of the firm to imptove its utter lack of TQM and quality management: Short term: The management must instruct the HR department and the departmental heads to train their lower level employees. This would lead to improvement in their performances and commitment towards their job responsibilities. The next immediate step, which the management take, is acquiring modern and appropriate can filling machinery. The piece of machinery should have the capacity to control its pressure while filling the cans. The apex management should ensure that the departments are aligned to the business process and the production operations take place as per the client requirements. This would ensure production of high quality cans of industrial sprays which would maximise the revenue of the company. The management must instruct the managers to restructure the supply chain management. This measure should ensure acquisitions of high quality raw materials to ensure high quality finished products according to the needs of the clients, which would generate high revenue. Bob should train the employees of the different departments to collaborate with each other to adopt TQM. He should make them realise that TQM is very important for the firm to maximise customer satisfaction and maximise revenue. He should encourage them to participate in the central decision making to ensure that they develop a positive working relationship. This would in turn result in ready collaboration among them, which enforce TQM. Long term: The apex management of the firm in long run should aim to streamline its operations according to the lean management and TQM. The training of employees, acquiring of modern machinery, aligning departmental operations, which business requirements and restructuring of supply chains would result in streamlining of the operations to ensure high productivity. This streamlining of entire operations or lean management would enable the company to gain higher position in the market and earn higher profits. Conclusion: The above discussion brings into light that TQM is very important for smooth functioning of manufacturing firms. It is important for the firms to implement TQM to gain long term and short-term growth. The discussion also reveals that the apex management plays crucial in adoption and implementation of TQM. References: Albliwi, S., Antony, J., Abdul Halim Lim, S., van der Wiele, T. (2014). Critical failure factors of Lean Six Sigma: a systematic literature review.International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,31(9), 1012-1030. Attri, R., Grover, S., Dev, N., Kumar, D. (2013). An ISM approach for modelling the enablers in the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management,4(4), 313-326. Benavides-Velasco, C. A., Quintana-Garca, C., Marchante-Lara, M. (2014). Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, 77-87. Fullerton, R. R., Kennedy, F. A., Widener, S. K. (2014). Lean manufacturing and firm performance: The incremental contribution of lean management accounting practices.Journal of Operations Management,32(7), 414-428. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hajmohammad, S., Vachon, S., Klassen, R. D., Gavronski, I. (2013). Lean management and supply management: their role in green practices and performance.Journal of Cleaner Production,39, 312-320. Heizer, J. (2016).Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Leithwood, K. (2016). Department-head leadership for school improvement.Leadership and Policy in Schools,15(2), 117-140. Mitra, A. (2016).Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley Sons. Pathak, S. S. (2015). TPM Implementation to fine-tune manufacturing performance: An Indian industrial way.International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research,1(8), 71-82. Sommer, A. F., Hedegaard, C., Dukovska-Popovska, I., Steger-Jensen, K. (2015). Improved product development performance through Agile/Stage-Gate hybrids: The next-generation Stage-Gate process?.Research-Technology Management,58(1), 34-45. Tshabuse, F., Pretorius, J. H. C. (2016). Applying preventive and predictive best practice on plant maintenance.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Introduccion Essays - Visual Arts, DraftIndustrializacin Japonesa

Introduccion En los ultimos anos, en el Ecuador, los proyectos de obra civil publicos han tenido un papel relevante en comparacion a anos anteriores. Esto se debe al incremento de inversion en obra publica por parte del gobierno central, entre ellos los destinados a la generacion de capacidades. Los programas de inversion en infraestructura educativa tienen como objetivo asegurar a la poblacion estudiantil el acceso a la educacion universal, dotando espacios acordes para el proceso de ensenanza y aprendizaje. Los fines claros para la realizacion de los proyectos de obra publica, son que dicho producto garantice que cumplira con parametros de eficiencia y eficacia segun lo planteado en las consultorias y estudios tecnicos para la posterior etapa operativa del proyecto. Para cumplir con esta meta, los proyectos de obra civil, de cualquier magnitud, deben contar con la documentacion suficiente para su construccion (planos, permisos, financiamiento, etc.). La responsabilidad tecnica del proyecto esta a cargo de los profesionales destinados a cada especialidad o disciplina tecnica que la obra requiera, ademas de los responsables de la residencia de obra, la fiscalizacion y la administracion del contrato que daran seguimiento al proceso de construccion. El inalcance de los objetivos iniciales del proyecto se debe reiteradamente a la falta de conocimiento y/o aplicacion, por parte de los involucrados, de las acciones que permiten resolver tecnicamente la gestion de los proyectos de obras civiles. Esto ademas conlleva a productos finales no compatibles con las consultorias planteadas inicialmente, causado por el cambio de alcance por parte de los actores que disponen de poder, economico y politico, disponiendo mayor tiempo de ejecucion y utilizando mayores recursos que los presupuestados inicialmente. Los casos de estudio "Repotenciacion del colegio provincia de Tungurahua y del colegio tecnico industrial Febres Cordero" pertenecen al programa planteado por el Ministerio de Educacion, con sede en la Subsecretaria de Educacion de Guayaquil. El siguiente trabajo pretende identificar de manera objetiva esta problematica, contando con las herramientas de analisis como el Marco Logico. Se pondra en ponderacion los casos de estudio para tomar en cuenta los factores que determinan el problema y permitan determinar las vias de solucion. Finalmente, se plantearan estrategias que permitan llegar a niveles de eficacia de las empresas tanto a los contratantes como los contratistas, para reducir las perdidas en construccion y llegar a los niveles de calidad deseados. Tema MODELO DE GESTION PARA EL MONITOREO DEL COSTO Y PRESUPUESTO EN OBRAS PUBLICAS. CASO PRACTICO: "INTERVENCION PARA LA REPOTENCIACION DEL COLEGIO PROVINCIA DE TUNGURAHUA Y DEL COLEGIO TECNICO INDUSTRIAL FEBRES CORDERO EN LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL, PROVINCIA DEL GUAYAS." Planteamiento del problema Bajo la situacion actual, la no aplicacion de las experiencias ganadas en obras anteriores, provoca que se comenten este tipo de errores reiterativamente en los procesos de planificacion y operacion de las obras. Lo cual reduce los niveles de eficiencia y calidad esperados, ocasiona perdidas presupuestarias, y disminuye la confiabilidad hacia la empresa contratista y la entidad publica contratante. Cuya finalidad principal es otorgar un servicio publico eficiente a los beneficiarios. Un proyecto que alcanza sus objetivos planteados inicialmente en un contexto y en un periodo de tiempo determinados no produce automaticamente los mismos efectos positivos, ni obtiene el mismo impacto, que proyectos que culminan su ejecucion en periodos no contemplados o en situaciones distintas. Actualmente se considera comun presenciar fracasos de proyectos por llevar a la practica intervenciones basadas en repeticiones anteriores. Este error puede ser objeto de una misma metodologia, convenientemente aplicada a cada caso concreto. Justificacion La planificacion estrategica para la formulacion y ejecucion de proyectos es un tema que ha sido tratado con gran interes en comisiones internacionales. La CEPAL, se ha encargado de generar una serie de manuales y lineamientos orientados a la creacion de licitaciones publicas, con el fin de integrar los procesos de contratacion en un modelo generalizado en America Latina. Sin embargo, cada caso en concreto responde a una realidad contextual. En el caso de Ecuador, las metodologias utilizadas normalmente han demostrado que los proyectos presentan una serie de situaciones imprevistas, sean de presupuesto, involucrados o condiciones externas, que han derivado en impedimentos para el alcance favorable de los objetivos en la mayoria de los casos. Por lo cual, es importante plantear una evaluacion de las metodologias

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Death Penalty, the Death Toll Rises essays

Death Penalty, the Death Toll Rises essays The death penalty has been a subject of dispute for centuries in the United States. It has been set in place not only to prevent the number of murders taking place, but also to instill a sense of justice for the victims of murder. Murder, in itself, is a simple concept: the non-accidental killing of another human being. Simply put, the death penalty itself is murder. The death penalty is murder of the worst kind, first-degree murder. One of the qualifications for first-degree murder is premeditation, and that is precisely what is involved in the killing of a death row inmate. The idea is in place to kill the murderer before they are ever put to death. Not only is the death penalty first-degree murder; even worse in some circumstances, innocent people are being sentenced to death through mistakes in the process of the trials. In the past thirty or so years, over eighty death row inmates have been released with evidence of their innocence. From 1973 to 1993 on average two and a half defendants a year were freed because they were found not guilty. Another issue found by Researchers Radelet twenty-three cases since 1900 where innocent people were executed (Bush Kills, 2004). One innocent dying due to failure in the system is too many. There is no justification to sentence someone to death, particularly when they were not the one who committed the act. Still, some will make the argument that the death penalty should exist. Although, some innocent people have been sentenced to death as a result of human error, which is an ever-present factor in law. Some advocates for the death penalty will argue that only about a third of the inmates that have been released were actually innocent (USA Today, Willing). However, they are also saying that the others were released due only to legal technicalities (USA Today, Willing). In addition, they argue that people opposing the death penalty...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Draw a Lewis Structure

How to Draw a Lewis Structure A Lewis structure is a graphic representation of the electron distribution around atoms. The reason for learning to draw Lewis structures is to predict the number and type of bonds that may be formed around an atom. A Lewis structure also helps to make a prediction about the geometry of a molecule. Chemistry students are often confused by the models, but drawing Lewis structures can be a straightforward process if the proper steps are followed. Be aware there are several different strategies for constructing Lewis structures. These instructions outline the Kelter strategy to draw Lewis structures for molecules. Step 1: Find the Total Number of Valence Electrons In this step, add up the total number of valence electrons from all the atoms in the molecule. Step 2: Find the Number of ElectronsNeeded to Make the Atoms "Happy" An atom is considered happy if the atoms outer electron shell is filled. Elements up to period four on the periodic table need eight electrons to fill their outer electron shell. This property is often known as the octet rule. Step 3: Determine the number of bonds in the molecule Covalent bonds are formed when one electron from each atom forms an electron pair. Step 2 tells how many electrons are needed and Step 1 is how many electrons you have. Subtracting the number in Step 1 from the number in Step 2 gives you the number of electrons needed to complete the octets. Each bond formed requires two electrons, so the number of bonds is half the number of electrons needed, or: (Step 2 - Step 1)/2 Step 4: Choose a Central Atom The central atom of a molecule is usually the least electronegative atom or the atom with the highest valence. To find electronegativity, either rely on periodic table trends or else consult a table that lists electronegativity values. Electronegativity decreases moving down a group on the periodic table and tends to increase moving from left to right across a period. Hydrogen and halogen atoms tend to appear on the outside of the molecule and are rarely the central atom. Step 5: Draw a Skeletal Structure Connect the atoms to the central atom with a straight line representing a bond between the two atoms. The central atom can have up to four other atoms connected to it. Step 6: Place Electrons Around Outside Atoms Complete the octets around each of the outer atoms. If there are not enough electrons to complete the octets, the skeletal structure from step 5 is incorrect. Try a different arrangement. Initially, this may require some trial an error. As you gain experience, it will become easier to predict skeletal structures. Step 7: Place Remaining Electrons Around the Central Atom Complete the octet for the central atom with the remaining electrons. If there are any bonds left over from Step 3, create double bonds with lone pairs on outside atoms. A double bond is represented by two solid lines drawn between a pair of atoms. If there are more than eight electrons on the central atom and the atom is not one of the exceptions to the octet rule, the number of valence atoms in Step 1 may have been counted incorrectly. This will complete the Lewis dot structure for the molecule. Lewis Structures vs Real Molecules While Lewis structures are useful, especially when youre learning about valence, oxidation states, and bonding, there are many exceptions to the rules in the real world. Atoms seek to fill or half-fill their valence electron shell. However, atoms can and do form molecules that are not ideally stable. In some cases, the central atom can form more than other atoms connected to it. Also, the number of valence electrons can exceed 8, especially for higher atomic numbers. Lewis structures are helpful for light elements but less useful for transition metals, including lanthanides and actinides. Students are cautioned to remember Lewis structures are a valuable tool for learning about and predicting the behavior of atoms in molecules, but they are imperfect representations of real electron activity.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Group Meeting Minutes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Group Meeting Minutes - Essay Example UML were used to describe the current system on how it operates. Use case were in this study used to demonstrate this below are the minutes of the group that took place while looking at this case study. Further consultations about the group activities were done via social media where we created a group page on Facebook. Members with issues, suggestions could raise it here before or after the meeting. [Inception Phase Meeting 1] [ Group Name] Date: 5/31/2015 Location: Lab Group Members Present: Abdu, chairperson Benjamin, Benson, Emily assistant chairperson Fatima Hassan, Jason, Jennifer, Joseph, Karen organizing secretary to the group Shirntel 1. First Agenda Item The first meeting was held in a class with an aim of Identifying the need or usefulness of a project. The group members were to establish the following a. Establish a vision for the solution or enhancements planned b. Develop a business case statement for the project Decision(s): 1. The group agreed on a project which is a Fitness Centre that is planning to upgrade it information system to have modern and up-to-date cards for its members and backup procedures for its data. The group was to evaluate the current system what it does with an aim of proposing an appropriate upgraded system for the clients. 2. The vision for the project was established which was To Provide Better Services to the Clients. 2. Second Agenda Item Members sought to establish the requirements and the scope of the project which they had decided to undertake. The agenda was to: 1. Initial list of requirements 2. Identify scope or boundary of the new system or system enhancement Decision(s): a) The listed the initial requirements of the project as: i. Having the knowledge of the previous system, how the customers accomplish their tasks using the system. ii. Having the estimated time for the installing of the new project iii. Having possible tasks that will take place iv. Cost estimations from the time, tasks and what is already avai lable. How will the new system improve service satisfaction to the members and how will the staff benefit from the new system. 3. Third Agenda Item Develop preliminary schedules indicating areas of individual interests Decision(s): b) The following schedules and individual tasks were established Task Assigned Individual Responsible Additional Information Requirement engineering Benson, Jennifer Analyzing the user requirements Feasibility study Jennifer, Karen Study if the system is doable System analysis Jason, Emily & Benson Analyse the current system and define the system requirements according to priority Scheduling of the tasks to be done Joseph, Abdu, Hassan, Fatima Looking at what the group should do. UML designs Karen, Emily & Shirntel Design the system basing on the methodology(incremental) Looking the benefits of the new system Abdul, Benjamin, Emily Looking at the cons and pros of the proposed system in terms of cost and services delivery Presentation of the analysis to th e tutor/class All the team members The findings of the current and proposed systems Minutes prepared by: [Karen / Date ] Minutes Approved: [Abdul , signature] [Inception Phase Meeting 2] [ Group Name] Date: 5/31/2015 Location: Lab Group Members Present: Abdu, chairperson Benjamin, Benson, Emily assistant chairperson Fatima Hassan, Jason, Jennifer, Joseph, Karen organizing secretary to the group Shirntel 1. First Agenda Item Notes: the main objective of this second meeting was to allocate responsibilities to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Civil and Criminal law aspects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Civil and Criminal law aspects - Essay Example Taylor. The accident happened under her supervision and this raises serious issues. The duty of care arises from the teacher-pupil relationship. Being a teacher, Mrs. Taylor had to comply with the School Teachers’ Pay and Condition Document. This Act, among other matters, charges teachers with a duty of care versus pupils, which extends to â€Å"maintaining good order and discipline and safeguarding their pupils’ health and safety, both when they are on school premises and engaged in authorized school activities elsewhere.†1 This means that when at school or in any other place engaged in a school activity, the teachers owe a duty of care to their pupils, just as Mrs. Taylor owed Chloe a duty of care. However, whether Mrs. Chloe, as an individual teacher, may be found guilty of negligence depends on whether Chloe’s accident may have been reasonably foreseen. Although the concept of medical malpractice has been widely used over the past years, the English Co urts prefer to apply it mostly to cases involving children with certain disabilities. That is why the concept of negligence is more appropriate in this case. Steele J. (2007, p.110) states that â€Å"In order to succeed in a claim in negligence, the claimant must show that the following criteria are met: 1. The defendant owes the claimant a duty of care†2 The existence of a duty of care owed by Mrs. Taylor to Chloe has already been justified above. Moreover, according to Kelly, E.B. (1998, page 32), â€Å"School teachers and administrators have a duty to provide a safe environment and to protect students from unreasonable risk of harm.†3 Although a teacher’s duty of care is not directly stipulated by law, its existence has been upheld in the English courts as a duty which derives from common use laws and case law. 2. â€Å"The duty has been breached†4 Mrs. Taylor breached her duty of care by allowing Chloe, a very young 10-year-old girl to try to perform the difficult exercise. Moreover, in spite of her allowing it, she did not supervise Chloe attentively enough to prevent her from injuring herself, although Mrs. Taylor was standing close to her. 3. â€Å"The defendant’s breach of duty has caused the claimant to suffer loss or damage of a relevant sort†5 If Mrs. Chloe had acted with proper care , Chloe would not have been injured as a result of the unfortunate accident, because it would have not happened at all. 4. â€Å"That damage is caused in law by the defendant’s negligence/is not too remote/is within the scope of his duty.†6 Taking care of the pupils under her supervision is one of the most important duties of a teacher, including Mrs. Taylor. We should also draw attention to the neighbour principal, stated by Lord Atkin in Donoghue v Stevenson (1932): â€Å"The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes in law, you must not injure your neighbour; and the lawyer’s question ‘Who i s my neighbour?’ receives a restricted reply. You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law is my neighbour? The answer seems to be – persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.†7 I would also apply the statement made by Lord Rodger in the case of Home

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Resource Information System Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Information System Essay The function of human resources (HR) departments is generally administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of Human Capital progressed to an increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities, organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing specialized human resource management systems. HR executives rely on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before the client–server architecture evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data transactions. In consequence of the high capital investment necessary to buy or program proprietary software, these internally developed HRMS were limited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital. Raija and Hlonen (2009) described the role of information systems in the process of combining district organizations which use information system in financial administration, HRM and social welfare. They explored the role of IS in decision-making in public sector. The lack of inter-opera ability between legacy systems and new information systems was perceived as a huge problem. In the present situation of our economy, most of the companies used manual system in their company, also some are using computerized system which lessen the expenses and saves time. An effective and well-designed Human Resource Information System shall make it easier to manage record, update files and retrieve records in Employee records. Confidentially, accuracy and integrity are maintained. The use of computer enables user to minimize efforts to do a certain job or action nowadays. When the Information Technology emerged, it gave a great impact when it comes to business problems especially when it comes to data entry accuracy, managing data’s and retrievals. Dr. Karishna Meena (2010) identified the various functional areas to which ICT is deployed for information administration in Higher Education institutions. Current level of usage indicates a clear integration of ICT for managerial or information based administration in higher education institutes. Matthew Douglas (2009) analyzed that nature of developing IS in any organization is characterized by multi dimensional and often messy problems, involving technical organizations and personal dimensions. David et al(2010) analyzed the main traits of efficient firms and the main sources of firm’s efficiency through samples of catalan firms. Firms efficiency shows a significant improvement when advanced ICT uses are combined with human resource practices, Dileep (2010) indicate that HRIS is an integration of HRM and information systems. HRIs helps HR managers perform HR functions in a more effective and systematic way using technology. HRIs system usually a part of the organization’s larger management information system which would include accounting, production and marketing functions. Ikhlas Zaid (2010) indicate that the quick response and access to information were the main benefits of HRIS implementation. They also identified the cultural and financial barriers to the implementation of HRIS. Kristine David (2010) identified the implementations or upgradation of HRIS has been undertaken with the aim of utilizing HRM functions.. Barriers also associated with the acceptance of new or upgraded HRIS.HRIS play an important role in shaping user perception and behavior. The addition of information technology to the human resource industry has revolutionized the contemporary workplace. HR professionals now have an increased capacity not only to gather information, but also to store and retrieve it in a timely and effective manner. This has not only increased the efficiency of the organization but also the effectiveness of management functions. New technology has also created opportunities for higher levels of stress for younger and older workers alike (Mujtaba, Afza, and Habib, N. (2011), unethical temptations and behaviors (Mujtaba, 2011), and opportunities for better leadership practices (Mujtaba and Afza, 2011). After delivering our suggestions for the Customer Appreciation Program, Kudler has asked us to evaluate the Human Resource Department, to see what changes need to made, to make the process better and smoother. Before making suggestions, we have to analyze their current setup. The Human Resources Department is a valuable department, so we want to assure that Kudler’s is running smoothly and efficiently. Kudler’s current HR Department is setup in the following manner: they use Quick Books and outsourced their payroll to Intuit. Intuit tracks all the following information for each employee. They track the employee’s personal information, pay rate, tax exemptions, hire date, seniority date, and organizational information. Changes to any of this information, can only be change by submitting a special form in writing by the employee’s supervisor and entered by the accounting clerk. The accounting clerk also keeps a file with the appropriate tax forms for each employee and all changes to employee data. The employees turn in manual time sheets weekly, which are approved by the store manager. The time sheets are then faxed to accounting, where they are entered for payroll. All changes have to be approved by the direct supervisor and store manager. Each store manager is responsible for keeping the files of their employees. They are kept in a locked file and include the following information: job application or resume, performance reviews, I-9 forms, and any disciplinary memos or performance management issues. The managers are also responsible for tracking any time off, which includes vacations.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Belize Guatamala territory dispute :: essays research papers

British lumberjacks set up settlements in the eventual Belize. The Spanish granted them the territory. When war broke out in Europe there was an attack which was repulsed. Over the next 20 years the British had grown into the assigned area and some unsettled areas of South America establishing the now existing Belize. The Spanish never had any rule over the territory. Up to 1859 the British continued to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the settlement, further establishing administrative control and implementing a comprehensive legal and legislative system. In 1859 a treaty officially established the boundaries of Belize. In 1940 Guatemala declared the Treaty to be void, alleging failure to implement article 7 (That the British build a road which they never did) A new Guatemalan Constitution in 1945 declared Belize to be Guatemalan territory Belizean culture and nationality developed throughout the 19th century (and the British became the minority). Self-government was achieved in 1964, but full independence was delayed until 1981 only because of the Guatemalan claim to the territory. Guatemala changed its argument in 1999. it rested its case on the 18th century Treaties between Britain and Spain covering the area between the Hondo and the Sibun Rivers. Guatemala claimed that the area between the Sibun River and the Sarstoon River was 'illegally' occupied by Britain, and argued that the area south of Sibun up to the Sarstoon River must be "returned" to Guatemala together with all the cayes which were not included in those Treaties. The area thus claimed by Guatemala amounts to over 12,000 square kilometres, which is more than half of Belize's territory. The British occupied this territory when it was uninhabited and unsettled. Belize rests its case on two firm pillars: the right of a people to self- determination and the fact that Guatemala's claim is legally untenable. Negotiations began between Britain and Guatemala and Belize. In 1975 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution affirming Belize's right to secure independence with all its territory and declared that any proposals emerging from negotiations between Britain and Guatemala must respect this right In 1980, the UN resolution declared that Belize should become independent by the following year. The entire global community supported this decision the territory was perfected through the process of acquisitive prescription, which is a recognised means in International Law for acquiring title to territory Guatemala never occupied, nor did it ever exercise any control or jurisdiction over, any part of the territory of Belize.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Religion and Prejudice

I Will Never Be an Adventist! While growing up, I live In the same neighborhood with some staunch Adventists. I cannot tell but I Just have never been fascinated by going to church on Saturday? maybe It would be how the system made going to church on Saturday look. My friends had been called upon to do various sporting castles for the church, but It had never come to me to even visit them. I must confess, and may God forgive me my sins, that the Seventh Day Adventist church would have been the last church I would o and fellowship with.I had no basis for this prejudice. However, God works in mysterious ways and that is why I have always feared Him. It took an SAD clergy to convince me to be baptized. It was this pastor who made me see the need to be baptized when I happened to be at the Week of Spiritual Emphasis (WOES). I'm not saying my own church pastor couldn't convince to be baptized though?I wouldn't like to be drawn into any controversy. I'm Just giving honor to whom honor Is d ue. This pastor, As. Ballista, reiterated the words ofHushes Himalayas to Anomalous that until one Is born of water and the split, Just like Jesus Himself was, one cannot see the Kingdom of God. I had tried to be baptized, but I hadn't been able due to some circumstances beyond my control. At a time in my own church, I did my best to start the bible teaching leading to the baptism only to be discouraged getting to the latter part. I saw the opportunity given me at the WOES to make the most important decision in my life; to act upon my faith irrespective of my religious affiliation; and to seize the day–as the Astor said I may not get this opportunity again.In conformity with the church policy, the new converts of the WOES were to be baptized the following Sabbath, but I couldn't make It due to some occurrence best known to God only. An arrangement was made for me alone to be baptized the following Sabbath though, Finally on that day, the pastor called to Introduce me to the e ntire congregation, be endorsed and prayed for. As I walked through the aisles, unfortunately for me coming from the last column-seat at the back, my knees and eggs weakened as my steps felt awkward.I made it to the front of the congregation, the church was asked whether or not they consented to my baptismal, and they overwhelmingly accepted me. When I turned round to look at the number of hands in the air endorsing my baptismal, I was surprised and felt very special that day since I hadn't felt like that in a very long time. Now which faith baptized me of water and the spirit giving me the opportunity to, maybe, enter Heaven! Who am I to say I don't like the Adventist faith!I feel ashamed o call myself an Adventist, but I cannot change the purpose of God?I am Indeed an Adventist. While growing up, I live in the same neighborhood with some staunch Adventists. I maybe it would be how the system made going to church on Saturday look. My friends had been called upon to do various sport ing activities for the church, but it Emphasis (WOES). I'm not saying my own church pastor couldn't convince to be baptized though?I wouldn't like to be drawn into any controversy. I'm Just giving honor to whom honor is due.This pastor, As. Ballista, reiterated the words of Hushes Whimsical to Nicknames that until one is born of water and the spirit, Just like Jesus Himself was, one cannot see the Kingdom of God. Baptized the following Sabbath, but I couldn't make it due to some occurrence best following Sabbath though. Finally on that day, the pastor called to introduce me to maybe, enter Heaven! Who am I to say I don't like the Adventist faith! I feel ashamed to call myself an Adventist, but I cannot change the purpose of God?I am indeed an

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Medicalization of Deviance

Today I will discuss the topic is about medicalization of deviance. Firstly, as the textbook defines medicalization of deviance: â€Å"the transformation of moral and legal deviance into a medical condition. † In this definition it includes two different parts moral and legal deviance, and medical condition. Our society provides a moral and legal standard for everyone live in this society. Society has enough power to judge someone is deviance or normal. Also the Criterion of Assessment is mandatory and determined.For example, if someone did bank robbery, he or she must be putted into prison by police. But in my opinion, the social judgment is not a perfect way to identify someone is normal or deviance because the real world has a clear hierarchy, the upper classes have more voice and decision-making power in this society. The judgment can also be said to be made in an unfair platform, such as a person do actions with an idea what is beyond the understanding of most people, and the society will label him or her as deviance. Medicalization gives us one more option.As Peter Conrad pointed out that medicalization makes the medical institution the dominant moral entrepreneur of our society. A sample example is Medicalization can try to best help some people are an addict of drugs, and the medical institution can use Professional skills to help these deviance people rovers. The clear distinction is that medicalization labels people as â€Å"ill† and treats these people as patient. In this aspect I think medicalization is a positive manner. On the other hand, C. Wright Mills is a sturdy supporter in society has a main effect on society issues.As he mentioned that we come to see how society affects us, we may support society as it is, or we may set out with others to change it. However, the pros and cons of medicalization bring a question which is how to define what is â€Å"normal†, what is â€Å"deviance†. An actual issue has appeared in à ¢â‚¬Å"juiced† athletes. Some athletes are users of performance enhancing drugs to help them exceed others in the professional sport. I think the additional help is a cheating action. The action makes this equal competition become unfair. Also such acts must be punished in order to prevent its spread.These â€Å"juiced† athletes are not subscribing to contemporary cultural norms and values because if audients and other pure athletes are leaded to this â€Å"juiced† Value-oriented, the game or sport will ever lose its worth. Overall, In fact many deviance people pretty need help to treat them into individual problem in the society. But these deviants should suffer punishment for their actions. In addition, each case is different and should be looked at differently as to whether punishment is required or not. Reference: John J, Macionis and Linda M, Gerber. 2008. Sixth Canadian Edition: Sociology. Toronto, CA: Pearson Education Canada Press. |

Friday, November 8, 2019

How To Write Dates in Spanish

How To Write Dates in Spanish There is  a variety of subtle differences between writing common things in English and in Spanish. Such is the case with writing dates in the two languages: Where in English one might say February 5, 2019, a Spanish writer would express the date as 5 de febrero de 2019. Key Takeaways: Writing Dates in Spanish The most common way of writing dates in Spanish follows the form number de month de year.Names of the months are not capitalized in Spanish.With the exception of primero for first, the ordinal numbers are not used in dates in Spanish. Note that in Spanish the name of the month isnt capitalized. You can also spell out the number - as in cinco de enero de 2012 - but this is less common than using a numeral in the example above. However, in parts of Latin America, especially in areas with U.S. influence, you may also see the form abril 15 de 2018 in occasional use, and rarely you may see a period used in the year such as 2.006. Another important distinction is that in Spanish you should not imitate English by using ordinal forms such as tercero de marzo as a direct translation of third of March. The one exception is that you may say primero for first, so January 1st can be said as primero de enero. In numeral form, thats 1o, or a 1 followed by superscripted o, not a degree sign. Less commonly, the form 1ero is used. As in the examples below, dates are typically preceded by the definite article el in sentences. Sample Sentences Showing Use of Dates in Spanish El 16 de septiembre de 1810 era  el dà ­a de independencia de Mà ©xico. (Sept. 16, 1810, was Mexicos independence day.) La Epifanà ­a se celebras el 6 de enero de cada aà ±o en los paà ­ses hispanohablantes. (Epiphany is celebrated in Jan. 6 of each year in Spanish-speaking countries.) El 1 de enero es el primer dà ­a del aà ±o en el calendario gregoriano. (Jan. 1 is the first month of the year of the Gregorian calendar.) El proceso de recuento parcial comenzà ³ el 3 de mayo y todavà ­a continà ºa. (The partial recount process began on May 3 and still continues.) Desde el aà ±o de 1974, el primero de julio celebramos el Dà ­a del Ingeniero en Mà ©xico. (Since the year 1974, we celebrate the Day of the Engineer on July 1st.) Use of Roman Numerals and Abbreviated Forms In abbreviated form, Spanish typically follows a day-month-year pattern using a capitalized Roman numeral for the month. The units may be separated by spaces, slashes, or hyphens. Thus the abbreviated form of July 4, 1776, can be written in these ways: 4 VII 1776, 4/VII/1776, and 4-VII-1776. Theyre the equivalent of 7/4/1776 in American English or 4/7/1776 in British English. Common forms used for B.C. are aC and a. de C. -   for antes de Cristo  or before Christ - with variations in punctuation and sometimes the use of J.C. (Jesucristo) instead of merely using the letter  C. In scholarly writing, you may use AEC  as the equivalent of the English BCE, which means antes de la Era Comà ºn  or Before the Common Era. The equivalent of A.D. is despuà ©s de Cristo  or after Christ and can be abbreviated d. de C.  or dC  with the same variations as noted above. You also may use EC  (Era Comà ºn) for CE (Common Era). The abbreviations AEC  and EC  are even less commonly used in Spanish than their English equivalents are in English, mainly because they arent universally understood. They normally shouldnt be used unless demanded by the context, such as if writing for publication in an academic journal. Pronouncing the Years The years in Spanish are pronounced the same as other cardinal numbers are. Thus, for example, the year 2040 would be pronounced as dos mil cuarenta. The English custom of pronouncing the centuries separately - in English we typically say twenty-forty instead of two thousand forty - is not followed. Saying veinte cuarenta instead of dos mil cuarenta would strike native Spanish speakers as the mark of an English speaker. Using Prepositions With Dates Spanish does not use a preposition as the equivalent of on when indicating that something happens on a particular date. The date itself functions as an adverbial phrase, as it does in English when on is omitted. Such examples include la masacre ocurrià ³ el 14 de marzo wherein the phrase means The massacre occurred on March 14, with the Spanish word for on (en) not used. Similarly in English, one could correctly say The massacre occurred March 14.   During or throughout, on the other hand, can be added into the phrase by including the Spanish word for this, durante.  Such is the case in the Spanish version of the sentence Space exploration began during the 20th Century, which can be written as Durante el siglo XX dio comenzà ³ la exploracià ³n espacial.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips on Writing a Religion Essay Topics and Handling Structure

Tips on Writing a Religion Essay Topics and Handling Structure Tips on Writing a Religion Essay: Topics and Handling Structure Religion has always been interesting and thought-provoking since the existence of man on earth. The man’s mind was curious to find out the wonders of nature that could not be comprehended by tribes and the society at large. An essay about religion is likely to be assigned to you if your area of study involves religion, sociology or literature. At first you might be puzzled by the task. Especially if you are an international student. However, our tips are supposed to help you out. Read on! Structure of the Essay on Religion An excellent essay has several characteristics such as coherence, properly structured and thought of and ultimately, a glimpse of the analysis. An essay should not be complicated because it is not a research article. Through an essay, your professor can assess your capability of reasoning ideas and communicate them in a brief and transparent way. So here are 3 major pieces of advice you should follow: Start with the introduction of the essay. Engage your reader through putting forward an interesting and controversial argument. You may enlarge your introduction by adding background information that relates to the context. Substantiate your thesis by developing your unique line of reasoning. You should be informative and straight to the point. It is wise to choose three to five persuasive arguments that are applicable to your religion course. Organize your illustration such that they start from the weakest to the strongest and thought-provoking. If you keep the readers focused, everybody will be interested in your topic. The conclusion is the part that matters most since some of the readers are usually not eager to read your entire work. If they do not feel captured by your conclusion, then they will not read your work at all. It is critical for you to use your knowledge and summon your energy when you write your introduction and conclusion. At this stage, you need to briefly state your main points and emphasize your thesis statement. This section has a similar size to your introduction. Religion Essay Topics An essay about diverse religions will help you understand the area of study and how to use the theoretical framework. But which topic should you concentrate on? Below are some of the most widely-discussed topics: Gender Issues in Hinduism. Polygamous Marriages in Islamic Tradition. What Drives People to Change Their Religion? Should Religious Leaders Play an Active Role in Politics? Why Is the Bible the Most Popular Book in the World? Should Teen Marriages Be Allowed in the Church? Did any topic catch your attention? Then grab it and start exploring it in order to write an amazing religion essay.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Statement for Postgraduate Study Applications Essay

Personal Statement for Postgraduate Study Applications - Essay Example Nevertheless, it allowed me to define what career I would like to choose. My graduate education showed me the importance of organization in business sphere that is why I choose business management as a possible career. Management is getting things done through other people (Caroselli, 1). As for me, good organization is crucial for getting positive results in any sphere of business. A good manager is a person, who can plan, control, motivate and reward the employees. I feel I need the education that would give me those skills. Another sphere, which makes me interested, is economic and finance. I feel that this course should help me to enhance my knowledge in the peculiarities of financial management of the company. I've always felt the importance of acquiring skills in money management. I hope this course can teach me the mechanics of financial functioning of the company, and provide knowledge on the mechanisms of getting profits and minimizing losses. In addition, I've always been interest in global economics. I hope that an advanced course in economic and finance may grant me deeper insight into this issue. For me working with schedules and deadlines is the most challenging issue.

Friday, November 1, 2019

A case study of social movement or collective action event by ethnic Essay

A case study of social movement or collective action event by ethnic group(s) - Essay Example Discussions of discrimination can raise the blood pressure of even the most neutral person. On the one hand, there are those who steadfastly claim there is no such thing as discrimination in the mortgage industry: everyone is an â€Å"equal opportunity housing lender,† after all; it says so right on the application. On the other hand, there are those who have examined the issue with as much neutrality as possible and have arrived universally at one conclusion: all things being equal (such as similar credit reports, income, and down payments) African Americans are the victims of predatory, abusive, and discriminatory mortgages at a sickening rate. Just a quick glance at a few numbers: In 1993, approximately 100,000 subprime loans were originated. In 2001, more than a million subprime loans were originated. In 2008, more than 65 percent of subprime loans were refinances, not direct purchase ( Racial discrimination is often hidden and it certainly can be inadvertent. This does not excuse banks and mortgage brokers accused of discrimination. Three major organizations address this as a part of their foundation missions, and steps have been taken to remedy the problem, such as neutral research, education, and collective action. Before we can understand what organizations and the collective actions of individuals do to expose the problem of discriminatory lending, we must define what we mean by predatory and abusive mortgage loans. Once we have created a broad definition of discriminatory lending, we must seek to understand how the African American community can fall victim to such practices on a broad level through a culture of overt and inadvertent discrimination. The major leaders and organizations involved in exposing the problem have a multi-pronged approach to the problem, and institutional recognition of the problem lends strength to individual collective action. Final ly, there are several effective

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Theory Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Theory Synthesis - Essay Example For instance, in this paper, we focus on the postulation that there exists a gap in practice theories where nurses show partiality in the manner they treat outpatients as compared to the manner of treating the patients who are admitted. Introduction The study in the theoretical structures that govern nursing practices reveal that nurses care for patients holistically (patients as well as their family members) more when they are admitted than when they are on the outpatient setting. Therefore, there is the need to breech the gap in the holistic care of outpatients in order to restore effectiveness and efficiencies in the nursing profession. All patients, regardless of being admitted or treated under outpatient settings rely on the nursing services as advanced by the nursing practitioners. The nursing profession on the other hand has been shown to rely on the theoretical frameworks in order to actualize the effective delivery of caring services to patients. Therefore, nursing theories complement the nursing practice in servicing patients. From the previous literature review, a gap is established between the nursing practice and theory and this forms the basis of this paper. Synthesize the knowledge gained in the area you studied during this course The study of the interrelationship between theoretical and practical aspects in the nursing profession has revealed a lot of incites which form the basis of this paper. Among other features noted, nursing is purely a scientific discipline whose success wholly depends on the proper adoption and application of scientific theories (Swanson, 1991; Risjord, nd ). Scientific theories are frameworks that have been in application over decades in explaining scientific phenomena and are testable and universally accepted. Nursing as a profession is therefore based on scientific research and hence runs under the guidance of such defined theoretical frameworks. However, research studies have been used to reveal that there exists som e gap between the existing theories and the actual practice by the nursing professionals. In often times, the inpatients enjoy higher attention and improved care by the nurses as compared to the patients receiving care in the outpatient department. This gap shows that there is inadequacy in the existing theories to guide the nursing professionals in attending to needs of patients; both at the customized care set up within hospitals inpatient programs as well as at the outpatient departments. We therefore note that there is great need to breach the gap existing between practice and the nursing theories. Our particular attention will be on breaching this gap by proposing and evaluating the provisions of a theory that addresses a patient as an entity, the family and community from which the patient hails as well as the nurse as most critical component in the recovery process. Though there lacks particular theories to address the disparity between nursing practices towards inpatients as and outpatients, there are some theoretical formulations which holistically empowers nurses to play a critical role in recovery process of patients; both admitted and the outpatients. Propose a component of a theoretical framework that addresses a gap following the theory development procedure you learned It is worth noting that the formulation of theories

Monday, October 28, 2019

Rachel Nickell The Investigation of Colin Stagg

Rachel Nickell The Investigation of Colin Stagg In July 1992, Rachel Nickell was attacked and murdered, her throat was cut, and she was stabbed 49 times then sexually assaulted. The sensitivity and cruelty of this case from the beginning, police faced pressure from the public and media to solve it. The investigation was carried out by Scotland Yard officers of the Metropolitan Police. After collecting evidence from a crime scene, there was no DNA found, which means that there was no forensic evidence to link any suspect with the crime scene (Evans 1992). The Metropolitan Police reached for help and advice from Paul Britton, a criminal psychologist, as profiling is mostly used in those cases where police have just a few clues (Britton 1997). It uses combination of psychological processes and theories with investigation to create offender profiling, geographical analysis of the crime location and offender, advises on interaction with media and providing interview strategies (Stelfox 2009). The work of Paul Britton can be criticised on the basic grounds, as it looked like he was leading the investigation or had too much powers form investigators instead of just offering the help to investigators to profile unknown suspect. Paul Britton was accused of breaching the British Psychological Societys code of conduct when he helped the Metropolitan Police detectives to design and conduct the operation Ezdell, a honey trap (Morris 2002). Paul Britton gave a detail description of a suspect and directed the investigation to Colin Stagg. However, the main aim of profiling is not to provide information for the police about who exactly committed a specific crime as mention earlier, but to make predictions and suggestions about the most probable characteristics, social and psychological assessment of the offender (Ainsworth 2001, Holmes and Holmes 1996). Paul Brittons work and involvement in this case can be criticised according to Gudjonssons statement, that criminal psychologists tend to work on probabilities, suggestions and predictions, whereas police operate in terms of quilt or innocence, it is like a black and white scenario. It also means that the person labelled a suspect, Britton provided profile of Colin Stagg labelled as a potential suspect, will be presumed guilty until proven innocent (Gudjonsson 1992). Honey-trap: The Metropolitan Police carried out the covert operation just to see if Stagg will eliminate or incriminate himself. An undercover police woman from the Metropolitan Polices Special Operation Group played role of covert human intelligence source (CHIS). She had to establish and maintain a relationship with Stagg to collect information about his sexual and violent fantasies (Stelfox 2009). Due to his psychological profile of a murderer he was supposed to confess and revel his deepest secrets (Roberts and Zuckerman 2004). In his letters he talked about violent fantasies and over the phone described that he enjoyed hurting people. During the covert operation Stagg never admitted to murdering Rachel Nickell. However, Britton was confident about Staggs guilt and received an advice from Crown Prosecution Services lawyers. Once again Brittons role went beyond making predictions and suggestions about most possible characteristics of the suspect (Ainsworth 2001, Holmes and Holmes 1996). He leaded the investigation. Police also believed that those evidences would be sufficient in court and guarantee conviction, after consultation with Britton. Colin Stagg was arrested and charged with Rachel Nickells murder in August 1993 (Evans 1992 and Cohen 1999). The case of Colin Stagg was seen as a textbook example of the unethical use of profiling and the abuse of powers (Turvey 2008 and Ormerod 1999), because the investigation was concentrated on finding the suspect and then constructing the investigation instead of investigating the crime scene and conducting investigation. In the other words, thats an example of a case construction to charge the suspect (Maguire and Norris 1992). However, the entire and sophisticated psychological trap was created by Britton. Stagg was manipulated, entrapped, enticed and promised an affair with a beautiful woman only if he would confess. Simply speaking, the aim of the operation was to trick Stagg into confession. Brittons way of constructing the covert operation, hints during the interview and analysing his reactions were unethical (Cohen 1999, Evans 1992 and Morris 2002). Also an undercover operation was seen as misconceived and the Metropolitan Police tried to incriminate a suspect by deceptive and unprofessional conduct to receive a confession, entrapment and profiling evidence were excluded and the case was withdrew by the prosecution (Ainsworth 2001, Cohen 1999, Evans 1992 and Johnson 2006). Arrest and interviewing: An introduction of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 determined many illegal activities of British detectives and introduced basics changes in approaching and interviewing suspect in the interview room. It is necessary to remember that inappropriate interviewing techniques may result that a genuinely innocent person will make a confession (Ainsworth 2001 and Cherryman, Bull and Vrij 2002). In Colin Staggs case, Paul Britton, gave specific advice to the police about the best way to conduct an interview with a suspect and how to approach him. Those advices were concentrated on the way how to persuade a suspect to confess. Staggs interview lasted for three days and during the interrogation suspects behaviour was contradictory and sometimes confusing. According to Britton, his denials were suggestive his basic intelligence level, it did not go through his mind that the suspect may be innocent (Ainsworth 2001). Stagg was detained in custody for interviewing for three days, however a suspect cannot be detained in the custody for longer than 24h without being charged, or it can be extended to 36h with the authority of police superintendent. If there is not enough evidence to charge the suspect, he/she need to be released on bail. According to those three scenarios, Staggs detentions in custody would be unlawful, but in case of murder charges, a suspect may be refused release and remain in the custody until the trail (Home Office 2010). Trial, conviction and eventual acquittal: There was no forensic evidence linking Colin Stagg with a crime scene, witness said to the police that saw him or a man very like him on the day of Rachel Nickells murder that seems to be enough for the Metropolitan Police to tag Stagg as a suspect. The Metropolitan Police officers were under high pressure from the media and public to get a conviction and tend to misused powers of the science of criminal profiling. They examined and rejected 547 suspects but still have no idea who killed Rachel Nickell. Undercover female police officer tried to get Stagg to confess to Rachel Nickells murder, by encouraging Stagg to talk about his sexual and violent fantasies, promising to have sexual intercourse with him if his was the one who killed Rachel Nickell. Months of undercover work produced nothing, Stagg never admitted to murdering and stabbing to death Rachel Nickell. The police decided to make an arrest and charge Colin Stagg with a murder based on the intelligence collected during the undercover operation. Prosecution withdrew the case and Stagg was acquitted in 1994 (Ainsworth 2001, Cohen 1999). Cold case review and new suspect: In 2002, the Scotland Yard police used their cold case review team to have another look at the Rachel Nickell killing. Officers analysed witness statements, checked files for potential suspects and search for a connection between other crimes. They also compared Rachel Nickells injuries with other victims and contacted Forensic Science Service about new methods of DNA matching techniques (Tendler 2007). Latest techniques were used to take microscopic particles of victims DNA from the clothing and tested them in the laboratory to produce a match. The match did not belong to victims partner or son. Sample was helpful to eliminate some of the suspects, but was insufficient to provide identification (Leppard 2007). In 2006, the Scotland Yard team interview convicted sex killers in Bradmoor Hospital. Robert Napper was interviewed was interviewed three times by the murder squad. Year later, Nappel was charged with Rachel Nickells murder and he pleaded not guilty (ONeill 2007). In 2008 Robert Nappel was found guilty of manslaughter of Rachel Nickell on the grounds of diminished responsibility (Leppard 2007 and Dodd 2007). Robert Nappel and series police errors: Robert Nappel was also known as Plumstead Ripper, was suspected of up to 40 violent raped, but has never admitted to them. Police started their gross errors in judgment in 1989 where they failed to deal with Nappels mother claim who reported that Nappel admitted to raping a woman (Casciani 2010). Police officers could have arrest him before he assaulted and murdered more woman, but instead just ignored the claim (News London 2010). He was eliminated as a suspect from Rachel Nickells murder because he was not often in that area of London. However, Metropolitan Police did not checked Nappels past and current activities or involvement. In fact he knew the area well because he was attending for the psychiatric treatment in the nearby clinic. That was another mistake made by police which could save womens life. There were few situations where Metropolitan Police officers did not joined the dots and saw Napper as a suspect. He was asked twice to give a blood sample for examinations in 1992, after phone calls from neighbours that Napper looks like a wanted rapist. Every time, Napper failed to turn up and after few weeks he was eliminated from the suspects because his height did not fit the description. After few months he was arrested for stalking a woman from the local police station. The police searched his flat and found pistol, ammunition, information about how to restrain someone, maps of London, and his private diary which included addressed of previous victims. If the police would link Nappels belongings found in the flat with Rachel Nickells murder, other local murders, then Nappel hopefully would be arrested quicker. Nappels victims were restrained, their addressed were in his personal diary and he also knew how to commune to their houses. However, Napper was only given short custodial sentence and during the trial, references about his mental state were made. No further actions were taken and he walked free from the police again. Year later, he attacked innocent women again, raped and stabbed her to death. After 6 months his finger prints were found in victims flat, but according to Britton and his perfect policing skills, the scenario was different and he was free again. In 1999 he was arrested for the above murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The Metropolitan Police failed to stop Nappel from committing terrible killing many times as shown above and he remained free for years. That was an example of catalogue bad decisions and major errors that allowed Nappel to murder innocent women. The police did not link few dots together to see overall picture of paranoid schizophrenics actions (BBC News 2008, Dodd 2007, Leppard 2007, Laville 2008, Laville, Siddique, Percival and Sturcke 2008 and Sinclair 2010). The Independent Police Complains Commission (IPCC) IPCC released a report in June 2010 about the actions of the Metropolitan Police Service in relation to handling the Rachel Nickells murder. Their actions were described as catalogue of bas decisions which allowed Napper to kill his victims. Police failed to react when Nappels mother called to report that her son raped a girl, he simply continued to walk freely on the street s and pick new victims. They missed serious and clearly visible opportunities to question and arrest real killer, committed dreadful mistakes that resulted in innocent women being murdered and several women suffered violent sexual attacks (Holden 2010 and Maynard 2010). References: Ainsworth, P. B. (2001) Offender Profiling and Crime Analysis, Willan Publishing BBC News (2008) Man admits Rachel Nickell killing, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Britton, P. (1997) The Jigsaw Men, Banton Press Casciani, D. (2010) Analysis (accessed on 17/10/2010) Cohen, N. (1999) Cruel Britannia: Reports of sinister and preposterous, Verso Cherryman, J, Bull, R. and Vrij, A. (2002) How police officers view confession: Is there still a confession culture?, Paper presented to the 10th European Conference of Psychology and Law, Limassol, Cyprus, 12-14th April Dodd, V. (2007) Man charged with murder of Rachel Nickell 15 years ago after new investigation of case, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Evans, C. (1992) A question of evidence: The Casebook of great forensic controversies, from Napoleon to O.J, John Wiley and Sons Gudjonsson, G. H. (1992) The Psychology of Interrogations, Confessions and Testimony, Wiley Holden, M. (2010) IPCC says police must apologise over Nickell murder, (accessed on 03/11/2010) Holmes, R. M. And Holmes, S. T. (1996) Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool, Sage Home Office, (2010) Police: Custody, (accessed on 03/11/2010) Johnson, B. (2006) Colin Stagg shows why trial by judge, not by media, is right, (accessed on 16/10/2010) Laville, S. (2008) Nickell case: Missed clues allowed Napper to kill again, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Laville, S, Siddique, H, Percival, J. And Sturcke, J. (2008) Rachel Nickell killing: Serial rapist Robert Napper pleads quilty, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Leppard, D. (2007) Met to charge Robert Napper for Rachel Nickell murder, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Maguire, M. And Norris, C. (1992) the conduct and supervision of criminal investigations, RCCJ Research Study 5, London: HMSO Maynard, K. (2010) Its too late to bring misconduct proceedings for the police failure to apprehend Robert Napper before he murdered Rachel Nickell and others, (accessed on 03/11/2010) Morris, S. (2002) Honey trap case collapse, (accessed on 16/10/2010) News London (2010) Police errors led to Rachel Nickell killing, (accessed 17/10/2010) ONeill, S. (2007) Robert Napper charged with Rachel Nickell murder after DNA breakthrough, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Ormerod, D. (1999) Criminal Profiling: trial by judge and jury, not by criminal psychologist, in Carter, D. And Alison, L. (eds.) Interviewing and Deception, Ashgate Publishing Roberts, P. and Zuckerman, A. (2004) Criminal Evidence, Oxford: Oxford University Press Sinclair. L, (2010) Police failures led to Rachel Nickell murder,, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Stelfox, P. (2009) Criminal Investigation: An introduction to principles and practice, Willan Publishing Tendler, S. (2007) DNA errors led to murder case review, (accessed on 17/10/2010) Tong, S, Bryant, R. P. And Horvath, M. (2009) Understanding Criminal Investigation,Wiley-Backwell Turvey, B. E. (2008), Criminal Profiling: An introduction to behavioural Evidence Analysis, Third Edition, Elsevier

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Progressive Era Essay examples -- essays research papers

The Progressive Era The progressive era was a time of great change, the way people thought and what they did began to change quickly. Industry and business also changed a great deal in this era, with the many new inventions and strong businessmen things where rapidly changing. The progressive era lasted about 40 years, from 1879-1920. In 1879 Tomas Edison invented the electric light, I guess you could say he just lit the way for may other inventions that people made during this time period. The progressives where middle class people that where mostly composed of young people who wanted things to change, they believed that educating people was the best way to overcome a problem. They formed volunteer organizations that people would come to and they would educate them on what they thought the problem was with something. Some of the organizations I found where: (American Bar Association, U.S Chamber of Commerce, National Association for the advancement of Colored People, and many others. I think that they did this to increase the awareness of a problem and try to fight that problem with strength in numbers and educations, both are very strong weapons when tackling a problem. Muckraking was another way people got their point across, they would find out all the information that they could on a person and they would basically, just drag their good name thought the mud, telling the people about, the things that they might not know, the corrupt things and bad deals and kickbacks...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How is the theme of loneliness explored in Of Mice and Men? Essay

The theme of loneliness is one of the key themes throughout the book. The book starts off with a very natural feel, â€Å"On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky Gabilan mountains.† This theme soon changes into the theme of companionship as we begin to know George and Lennie we can see they are good friends â€Å"because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you†. However Steinbeck gradually changes the theme of companionship to the opposite theme of loneliness â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong to no place.† As we meet more and more of the main characters we begin to see just how lonely they are; We later meet Curley and his wife. Curley is the only person on the ranch to have a partner, and even then it’s not a trusting, full relationship â€Å"If you can’t look after you own God damn wife, what do you expect me to do about it† Slim tells Curley. Curley’s wife says to Lennie: â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.†. This is Steinbeck underlining how even the characters who are married are lonely and regretful. If this is the case then what about the rest of the workers who have no wife at all? George mentions his desire for a partner in the first chapter: â€Å"I could live easy and maybe get a girl†. Most of the ranch workers go to a Cat house when they get their stake, and blow it all there, showing just how much they want to be around women; they receive a pitiful amount of money every month and instead of saving it to get themselves out of their hole, they spend it in one night at the Cat house. This shows that the loneliness has driven them to the borderline of insanity, â€Å"A guys goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody† Crooks observes whilst the others are at the Cat house. I have talked about how lonely the ranch workers in general are, but Steinbeck focuses in particular on three characters: Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife; he may do this to try to put across a message to the reader, speaking out against Ageism, Racism and Sexism respectively. I will talk about Candy first: Candy is the oldest employee at the ranch and he knows it. His best friend was his dog, which has now been killed by Carlson. In the scene in which Carlson is persuading Candy to let him shoot the dog, Carlson gives a logical argument â€Å"he jus’ suffers hisself all the time†, Candy however just says that he’s â€Å"had ‘im so long – had him from a pup†. This is Candy trying to hold onto his companion, who he’s become attached to and doesn’t want him dead. Carlson however, persists and the dog is killed. Candy now has no real companions on the ranch and is worried about his future â€Å"They’ll can me purty soon.†, he explains to George and Lennie how he has â€Å"no place to go, and can’t get no more jobs†. In Chapter 3 Candy’s glimpses hope as he offers to put in some money to help George and Lennie buy their dream house â€Å"s’pose I went in with you guys?†. As he does so he again underlines his loneliness – † I ain’t got no relatives nor nothing†. With his dog dead Candy is desperately grasping for some sort of companionship and for a while it looks as if their dream may be realised. Unfortunately though, Lennie kills Curley’s wife and their dream is shattered. Crooks is the only black man on the ranch, the book was written in 1937 where racism and black/white segregation was still commonplace. Crooks is deliberately written as being black as a method for Steinbeck to speak out against the evils of racism; Crooks is clearly very lonely, even by ranch workers standards. Because he is black he must sleep in his own â€Å"little shed† and isn’t allowed in the bunkhouse with all the other workers â€Å"I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse†. In Chapter 4, the reason for this ostracising is made clear â€Å"’cause I’m black, they play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black.† The other ranch workers may think that they have no close friends, but Crooks isn’t even allowed to be around them (except while working or playing horseshoes), which is something the rest of the characters take for granted- he explains to Lennie â€Å"You got George. You know he’s coming bac k. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunkhouse? Suppose you had to stay out here and read books. How’d you like that? Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody – to be near him. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. You know he’s coming back.† This is Crooks most emotional outburst and is used effectively to really show through the loneliness that he in particular is feeling – the other workers have other guys â€Å"just to be near them†, which many of them take for granted. Steinbeck uses Crooks for other plot devices as well such as giving a small insight into how the book finishes. â€Å"Nobody never gets to Heaven and nobody gets no land.† Curley’s wife. Curley’s wife is given no name. Curley’s wife is continually referred to throughout the book as â€Å"Curley’s wife†. This is completely intentional and is used to show women’s insignificance at the time. Like Candy is the only old person on the ranch and Crooks is the only black person on the ranch, Curley’s wife is the only woman on the ranch. As the only woman on the ranch she has no girly friends to talk to and is thus very lonely. Her only real contact is Curley, who she doesn’t even like, describing him as â€Å"he ain’t a nice fella†. Curley doesn’t help the situation by continually keeping her under check and stopping her from talking to the other ranch workers â€Å"I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad† The ranch workers are scared of Curley so they don’t like to talk to his wife, George describes her as â€Å"jailbait†. When she tries to talk to Crooks, Lennie and Candy, Crooks tells her â€Å"Maybe you better go along to your house now, we don’t want no trouble.† Curley’s wife often uses â€Å"I’m looking for Curley† as an excuse to talk to the other guys at the ranch. When Steinbeck first introduces Curley’s wife she is portrayed through the ranch workers eyes â€Å"Bet she’d clear out for twenty bucks†. Not until the ending of the book do we see why she acts so flirtatiously – she just wants someone to talk to and she uses her body as a way of getting a guy’s attention. â€Å"I never get to talk to nobody, I get awful lonely, how’d you like not to talk to anybody?† She tells Lennie. It is interesting how, in chapter 4, when all the other ranch workers are at the Cat house, that Crooks, Curley’s wife, Lennie and Candy all meet in Crook’s house. Lennie is the only one who has a real companion (George) yet he doesn’t appreciate it until he sees how lonely the others are and empathises with them: â€Å"You got George† Having them meet is Steinbeck’s way of showing the reader how lonely they are – the people who would normally have ostracised them aren’t in the ranch at the time, and so Crooks, Candy and Curley’s wife, the three most lonely people, all feeling left out and lonely meet and talk to each other. Though it would seem that they would enjoy talking to one another, they are all so used to being wrapped up on their own, that, particularly Crooks and Curley’s wife, are not at all friendly to each other; Curley’s wife tells Crooks how she â€Å"could get him strung up on a tree so fast it ain’t even funny†. This is a reference to the lynchings of black men, which were common at the time. This, again, is Steinbeck speaking out against racism and implying that many blacks were framed for their crimes. In conclusion all of the ranch workers are lonely; all except Curley have no wife, few have close friends or companions and they live very lonely existences. There are a few however, namely Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife who are especially lonely because they have been cut off from the rest of the characters Steinbeck uses his book to speak out against sexism, racism and ageism.