Thursday, December 26, 2019

Marketing Analysis Marketing Management - 1566 Words

Joseph Anchor BME-213804-01 Marketing Management Professor Jordan Fructer April 10th, 2016 Conventionally, before a consumer buys a product, he/she will follow a sequence of events known as â€Å"hierarchy of effects.† It all starts with the consumer being aware that the product exists. In this essay we will go through how various websites go about creating awareness of the products to the last step of making the potential client make the last move; order. Marketing experts concur that brand awareness in any industry gives a business an edge. Creating brand awareness accomplishes a number of objectives for businesses that are seeking to increase revenues in the market place. Brand awareness drive has to be supple enough to grow with the firm and be able to adjust if necessary. Business firm needs to seek to build customer awareness endorse its website and add value (Nathan, 2011). Brand awareness usually follows a particular progression, which more often than not, customers do not think through when deciding to buy a product. Initially, the customer has a perceived need for the product, and then he/she will seek/evaluate the available alternatives, though in some cases will opt to buy what is convenient, such as buying a drink. At the same time, he will attach value, both personal and financial, on the product he/she would like to buy. Awareness can be created by advertisers launching new services, promote a brand, sell merchandise, or simply directing visitors to their WebShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing Management1674 Words   |  7 Pages 402C-2: MARKETING METRICS INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1 Submitted to: Professor Rakesh Niraj Submitted by: Amber Shukla Case Western Reserve University Summer 2015 1. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Women And The Jewish Religion - 979 Words

Throughout history the roles people have play a major part in how their society is run. Roles in societies are used as a way to establish order. By giving each person a specific role it allows them to carry out specific duties and obligations. Each religion has a certain way they perceive and treat certain people. It can be based on class, intelligence or even gender. Gender plays a big part in how a society is run. Judaism is one religion where â€Å"it believes, and continues to maintain, that within its religious life men and women have distinct and differentiated roles (Sacks, 1978).† Sacks explains, â€Å"that human freedom extends to the freedom to choose our commitments and obligations and since we do not choose to be a man or a woman how then can our being one or the other have any moral or religious significance (Sacks, 1978)?† In this essay I will address how and why woman are treated very respectfully in the Jewish religion rather than the misconception that they are treated in a degrading way. Judaism bases its foundation of understanding around the Torah. The Torah is the whole body of Jewish law and teachings or the Jewish bible. â€Å"Judaism may be described as an ethical monotheism, a religion based on a concept that there is a single incorporeal God who gives commandments which constitute a moral law for all humanity (Lacey, 2007).† Judaism is based on religious laws. â€Å"The Oral Law is a legal commentary on the Torah, explaining how its commandments are to be carriedShow MoreRelatedRole of Women in Jewish Religion1254 Words   |  6 PagesWe have been taught about several religions throughout this course, but one religion that has really caught me, is Judaism. There are many interesting facts about the Jewish community, religion, and such. However, I’m going to just talk about Jewish women and the roles they play in the Jewish community. In traditional Judaism, women are for the most part seen as separate but equal. Women s obligations and respons ibilities are different from men s, but no less important. As a matter of fact, women’sRead MoreThree Main Religions in the Middle East 897 Words   |  4 PagesMany have heard the term â€Å"the three major religions†, but how many know what is meant by this? The three major religions are referring to the religions in the Middle East countries, such as Iran, Iraq, etc. The religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. With the close proximity of these countries, but the differing views on things, mainly religion, creates some conflicts and hostility. In America, people are allowed to worship who they want, and believe in what they choose. When someone saysRead MoreModern Challenges Of The Middle East Around 4000 Years Ago Essay1612 Words   |  7 Pages Modern Challenges Shady Rizkalla REL/134 Mr. Firpo Carr January 6, 2016 Modern Challenges Judaism impelled in the Middle East around 4000 years ago (Brill, 2012). Abraham, who was Hebrew, is considered as the father of the Jewish confidence since he propped up the focal thought of the rule that there is one God. During the period, numerous individuals worshiped numerous divine beings particularly in the Middle East. Abraham and his wife Sarah had confidence in God in spite of the factRead MoreAbrahamic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam1302 Words   |  5 PagesAbrahamic faith and originated in the Middle East over three thousand five hundred years ago. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, revealed over one thousand four hundred years ago in Mecca, Arabia. These three faiths share many common characteristics when it comes to their outlook on god, women in society, and afterlife. Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion. It is based on the original covenant made between Abraham and god when he was told to leave his home in Ur and travel toRead MoreJudaism : The Dynamic Nature Of Judaism957 Words   |  4 Pagessuccessful living religion as a result of its strongly withheld characteristics. Through essential characteristics such as central beliefs, sacred texts, writings, ethical teachings and rituals and ceremonies, Judaism offers a dynamic nature and liveable religion that connects an individual and society with its roots. The way this living religion advances and grows is because of its dynamic characteristics as a whole. Importantly, these characteristics combined form the true nature of the religion rather thanRead MoreModern Political History of Israel and Iran1435 Words   |  6 Pages Since World War II, religion has played a significant role in the modern political history of Israel and Iran. Both countries are self-defined theological states (Is rael as a Jewish state, Iran as an Islamic state). Although the impact of religion changes across time and context, religion has largely defined political identity for both Israel and Iran. Yet, modern states are host to many paradoxes. Religion is important in defining these states, however the workings of each country are not alwaysRead More The Role of Women in Judaism Essay1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe Role of Women in Judaism Some say that the role of women in Judaism has been misrepresented and misunderstood. Today when people think of womens role in Judaism, they think of them as being of very low importance. Yet, threw the Halakha (Jewish laws) we are able to see how significant the role of women is in Judaism. There are many Jewish feminist leaders in todays society. This is because throughout the years of education and study of Judaism, the women learned that everyone must be respectedRead MoreThe Influence Of Rabbinic Judaism On Jewish Traditions972 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å" Despite the theological claims of the Jewish traditions, it is actually not God who legislates in Rabbinic Judaism, but the Rabbis.† Rabbis are predominantly Jewish scholar who studies and educated Jewish law. The comprehension of these people is acknowledged through a religious ceremony where one is suitably a Rabbi. Rabbis undertake in a preponderance of generating the oral and written laws, even seen as a figure c loser to God than any one else in the community. They have signified a remarkableRead MoreThe Cultural World of Jewish Women Explained in Daughters of Tradition by Alicia Ramos-Gonzà ¡lez1806 Words   |  7 Pages the cultural world of Jewish women in Eastern Europe during the 16th-19th century. I believe that culture takes root in ones’ identity not only as an individual, but also in ones’ identity with their people and nation. Based on this belief, I have chosen to focus my explorations on the patterns found in the bases of Jewish identity among the women in Yiddish culture during this time. Despite the negative impacts towards gender equality which arose though preventing women from obtaining skills suchRead MoreJewish Nation and Religious Persecution1627 Words   |  7 PagesWhile religion has the power to draw people together, it can also tear people apart. Throughout history, the Jewish nation has been plagued by persecution as a result of their religion. In Medieval times, the Jews faced blood libels and crusades. If they were to convert, then they would become accepted members into society; however, if they were to remain true to their religious ideals they would be killed. In modern Europe, Jews faced struggles such as Emancipation and the Holocaust. All they wanted

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Total Quality Management for Quality Management - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Total Quality Management for Quality Management. Answer: Overview: The assignment integrates total quality management and quality control theory with the given case study. The case study opens with Bob Solver, the new director and quality assurance manager at a manufacturing plant conversing with Pat Little, the quality control manager. Their conversation reveals the total quality management deficiency, which was affecting the productivity of the company. The study and analysis of the case study would proceed under the light of two theories, namely total quality management concepts and quality control theory. Total Quality Management refers to controlling and bringing in continuous improvements in all the areas of operations namely human resource management, financing and marketing. The aim of TQM is to streamline the operations of the companies to ensure high quality products and maximum satisfaction of the customers (Goetsch Davis, 2014). The quality control theory defines quality control as the process to judge, inspect and review the quality of all the factors of production. QC embraces various areas like usage of raw materials, allocations of human resources and financial resources. QCs today even consider soft elements like integrity, motivation and team spirit (Mitra, 2016). The researcher would incorporate both TQM and QC concepts while delving into the case study. Excavating deeper: As per the case study, a deeper excavation into the conversation between Bob Solver and Pat Little reveal that there existed acute total quality control management and quality control. There existed issues with the filling plant, which filled grease into the grease cans. The filling equipment put excess pressure on the grease spray cans, which requires perforating holes to realise the pressure. The conversation revealed lack of career planning for the employees by the human resource department. This was evident from the holding back of the promotion of Pat to employ Bob in spite of the fact that Pat was already holding a managerial post in the company and deserving a promotion (Fullerton, Kennedy Widener, 2014). The third quality issue in the manufacturing company is that there existed acute lack of cooperation and coordination between the employees and departments. Al Grey, the line inspector tagged the cans having poor quality to be sent to the rework department. The production department in order to meet the client requirement surpassed the quality control department and shipped the products namely, the cans. This analysis showed that there existed lack of cooperation between not only the employees but also their departments. This lack of coordination resulted in shipment of poor quality products (Albliwi, et al., 2014). Another example of lack of collaboration between departments was that the marketing departments emphasised on a particular shape of the cans to make them visually appealing. However, the design of the can created pressure on the content inside which often resulted in additional perforation to release the pressure (Benavides-Velasco, Quintana-Garca Marchante-Lara, 2014). This shows that the lack of coordination led to faulty product strategy among the departments. These factors impeded the spray manufacturing company achieving its target rate of production. The presence of conflict between the departments led to shipment of unfit products. The aim of the production department was to ship products irrespective of their quality. Thus, the production department only worked on meeting short term profit and had no long term goal like gaining loyal consumer base and business expansion by providing quality products. Issues with quality management: The above discussion brought into light several issues of quality management pertaining to the machinery, human resource management and departmental coordination. The machinery, which filled the cans, was purchased for production of another product. It required frequent repairs. This shows that the management used inappropriate machinery to fill the spray cans. The next issue with total quality management was with the management of personnel. The personnel who operated the filling machine lacked appropriate training and commitment to high quality performance. The managers lacked commitment and leadership qualities. For example, Budd the manufacturing manager took no initiative to improve productivity of the manufacturing unit (Leithwood, 2016). This analysis of the issues clearly points out that the lack of total quality management existed at all levels of hierarchy in the grease and spray-manufacturing firm. Personnel: As per the case study, the personnel responsible for operating the filling equipment lacked formal training of operating equipment and received informal training from Bud. The operator who operated the filling equipment as a result lacked commitment to produce quality products and did not cooperate with Al Gray. The case study bears no example to show that he took initiatives to rectify the operating errors, which Gray pointed out. This analysis showed that the personnel operating the machinery did not follow total quality management which to production of faulty products (Sommer et al., 2015). Moreover, total quality management aims to achieve high quality in products offering to customers to ensure customer satisfy, repeat business generation and earning of revenue. The theory and practice of TQM has to be enforced from the top followed by the medium and lower level. The lack of commitment and sense of responsibility of the operator shows that the top management of the company was not concerned about enforcing TQM in the company (Pathak, 2015). Plant maintenance: As per the case study, the automated filling equipment was acquired for another product but was shifted into filling spray bottles with greasy paint. One of the most important criteria of total quality maintenance is to acquire appropriate sets of machinery and plants to ensure production of goods according to the customers requirements. This also ensures low cost of production of goods, thus giving financial sustainability to the business organisations. However, the management of the spray manufacturing company acquired inappropriate machinery. This discussion showed that the management did not follow total quality management and quality control standards (Attri et al., 2013). Frequent breakdown of the machinery led to loss of productivity and prevented attaining high level of productivity. The apex management of the firm should stress on obtaining appropriate machinery to fill the cans without exerting high pressure within them. The plant maintenance department should emphasis on i mproving the plant maintenance standard to ensure high productivity with minimum wastage of raw materials and loss of productivity due o frequent breakdowns. The purchasing department: As per the case study, the operations of the purchase department showed acute lack of total quality management. Managing the production process in order to source high quality of raw materials is one of the main characteristics of total quality management. The case study showed that the firm purchased nozzles with burnt marks from a local supplier. The burning of the nozzles distorted their shapes (Pathak, 2015). The study however bears no evidence of the purchase manager or the apex management taking any initiative to change the supplier. Product design and packaging department: Total quality management requires the apex management of the business organisations ensuring collaboration between departments to streamline their activities with the organisational strategies (Tshabuse Pretorius, 2016). The case study shows that product design and packaging department designed the cans with raised sides as per the requirements of the marketing department to make them look more attractive. However, this raising of the sides made filling the problems more difficult. This shows that the marketing and the packaging department did not coordinate with the product-manufacturing department. The manufacturing manager: As per the case study, the manufacturing manager was not committed to manufacturing of high quality finished products-the cans of greasy spray for industrial purpose. The manufacturing manager did not show any initiative to source high quality and machine friendly nozzles. Total quality management requires the organisations to produce goods as per the necessity of the consumers. The producers today emphasise on the benefit of the customer and design their goods to maximise convenience of the consumers. The factory in the case study manufactured nozzles, which put high pressure on the cans. One can infer from the discussion that the high pressure could cause the nozzles to blow off, thus causing harm to the customers. This showed that the manufacturing organisation was not committed to ensure the safety of the customers (Sommer et al., 2015). This analysis shows that the industrial spray manufacturing company did not implement total quality management in its operations. The marketing department: As per the case study, the modes of operation of the marketing department showed that it was not committed to ensure customer satisfaction. The marketing departments play a very significant role in ensuring high quality products by communicating the requirements of the customers to the organisations. They ensure that the companies maximise customer satisfaction by producing high quality products and generate huge revenue (Hajmohammad et al., 2013). However, the marketing department took no such initiative. The manufacturing company took no steps to rectify the packaging faults, which remained on the bodies of the cans. It was merely interested in selling cartons of industrial spray without having concern for the customers benefit. Problem analysis: The analysis of the roles of the key departments like marketing and manufacturing departments sheds light on several problems in the manufacturing firms. The evaluation of the issues of the important personnel like manufacturing manager and their subordinates like machine operator shows that the lack of total quality management existed at all levels including the apex level. Total quality management aims to produce goods and services as per the demand of the customers. The demands of the organisations are regarded as the parameters quality. The apex management forms the strategic business strategies like manufacturing, marketing and financing. The apex management makes policies, which are then communicated, to the subordinates by the departmental heads and middle level managers (Appendix). The organisations today adopt Six Sigma and lean manufacturing to align the operations of all departments to ensure high productivity within a short period (Tshabuse Pretorius, 2016). The evaluation of the case study in the light of the above discussion on TQM revealed that the human resource department did not provide any formal training to enhance the performance of the machine operator. The manufacturing manager did not take any action even after proven lack of commitment of the operator towards machinery maintenance. The management did not take any initiative to replace the faulty machinery. The purchase department acquired low quality nozzles from local suppliers. The purchase manager was aware about the fact but did not take step to acquire suppliers supplying high quality nozzles. This showed that the management did not incorporate TQM to acquire quality supply chain to provide the company with high quality raw materials (Attri et al., 2013). The analysis of the faulty manufacturing process shows that the lack of TQM existed in the middle level management due to lack of intervention from the top management. The managers of did not cooperate and collaborate with each to streamline the production and selling process (Pathak, 2015). For example, the marketing department did not collaborate with the production department to ensure high quality products. As per the case study, the practice of total quality management emphasises on the ensuring benefits of stakeholders like customers and employees. The case shows that the manufacturing did not train its employees to enhance their competencies. The faulty manufacturing process of the resulted in cans of industrial spray with faulty nozzles which could blow off due to extreme pressure and harm the user. The machine did not receive proper maintenance, which left chances of accidents and breakdown resulting in injuries or fatalities. This analysis showed that the industrial spray-manufacturing firm did not take steps to ensure benefits of its internal stakeholders, the employees and the external stakeholders, the industrial organisations who purchased the spray and their employees (Hajmohammad et al., 2013). The above discussion reveals that the industrial spray-manufacturing firm did not follow TQM and resulted in manufacturing faulty cans of sprays capable of hurting the user. This situation calls for recommendations of both long term and short strategies, which the firm should adopt to improve its present situation. Recommendations: The following are the recommendations to the management of the firm to imptove its utter lack of TQM and quality management: Short term: The management must instruct the HR department and the departmental heads to train their lower level employees. This would lead to improvement in their performances and commitment towards their job responsibilities. The next immediate step, which the management take, is acquiring modern and appropriate can filling machinery. The piece of machinery should have the capacity to control its pressure while filling the cans. The apex management should ensure that the departments are aligned to the business process and the production operations take place as per the client requirements. This would ensure production of high quality cans of industrial sprays which would maximise the revenue of the company. The management must instruct the managers to restructure the supply chain management. This measure should ensure acquisitions of high quality raw materials to ensure high quality finished products according to the needs of the clients, which would generate high revenue. Bob should train the employees of the different departments to collaborate with each other to adopt TQM. He should make them realise that TQM is very important for the firm to maximise customer satisfaction and maximise revenue. He should encourage them to participate in the central decision making to ensure that they develop a positive working relationship. This would in turn result in ready collaboration among them, which enforce TQM. Long term: The apex management of the firm in long run should aim to streamline its operations according to the lean management and TQM. The training of employees, acquiring of modern machinery, aligning departmental operations, which business requirements and restructuring of supply chains would result in streamlining of the operations to ensure high productivity. This streamlining of entire operations or lean management would enable the company to gain higher position in the market and earn higher profits. Conclusion: The above discussion brings into light that TQM is very important for smooth functioning of manufacturing firms. It is important for the firms to implement TQM to gain long term and short-term growth. The discussion also reveals that the apex management plays crucial in adoption and implementation of TQM. References: Albliwi, S., Antony, J., Abdul Halim Lim, S., van der Wiele, T. (2014). Critical failure factors of Lean Six Sigma: a systematic literature review.International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,31(9), 1012-1030. Attri, R., Grover, S., Dev, N., Kumar, D. (2013). An ISM approach for modelling the enablers in the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management,4(4), 313-326. Benavides-Velasco, C. A., Quintana-Garca, C., Marchante-Lara, M. (2014). Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, 77-87. Fullerton, R. R., Kennedy, F. A., Widener, S. K. (2014). Lean manufacturing and firm performance: The incremental contribution of lean management accounting practices.Journal of Operations Management,32(7), 414-428. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hajmohammad, S., Vachon, S., Klassen, R. D., Gavronski, I. (2013). Lean management and supply management: their role in green practices and performance.Journal of Cleaner Production,39, 312-320. Heizer, J. (2016).Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Leithwood, K. (2016). Department-head leadership for school improvement.Leadership and Policy in Schools,15(2), 117-140. Mitra, A. (2016).Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley Sons. Pathak, S. S. (2015). TPM Implementation to fine-tune manufacturing performance: An Indian industrial way.International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research,1(8), 71-82. Sommer, A. F., Hedegaard, C., Dukovska-Popovska, I., Steger-Jensen, K. (2015). Improved product development performance through Agile/Stage-Gate hybrids: The next-generation Stage-Gate process?.Research-Technology Management,58(1), 34-45. Tshabuse, F., Pretorius, J. H. C. (2016). Applying preventive and predictive best practice on plant maintenance.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Introduccion Essays - Visual Arts, DraftIndustrializacin Japonesa

Introduccion En los ultimos anos, en el Ecuador, los proyectos de obra civil publicos han tenido un papel relevante en comparacion a anos anteriores. Esto se debe al incremento de inversion en obra publica por parte del gobierno central, entre ellos los destinados a la generacion de capacidades. Los programas de inversion en infraestructura educativa tienen como objetivo asegurar a la poblacion estudiantil el acceso a la educacion universal, dotando espacios acordes para el proceso de ensenanza y aprendizaje. Los fines claros para la realizacion de los proyectos de obra publica, son que dicho producto garantice que cumplira con parametros de eficiencia y eficacia segun lo planteado en las consultorias y estudios tecnicos para la posterior etapa operativa del proyecto. Para cumplir con esta meta, los proyectos de obra civil, de cualquier magnitud, deben contar con la documentacion suficiente para su construccion (planos, permisos, financiamiento, etc.). La responsabilidad tecnica del proyecto esta a cargo de los profesionales destinados a cada especialidad o disciplina tecnica que la obra requiera, ademas de los responsables de la residencia de obra, la fiscalizacion y la administracion del contrato que daran seguimiento al proceso de construccion. El inalcance de los objetivos iniciales del proyecto se debe reiteradamente a la falta de conocimiento y/o aplicacion, por parte de los involucrados, de las acciones que permiten resolver tecnicamente la gestion de los proyectos de obras civiles. Esto ademas conlleva a productos finales no compatibles con las consultorias planteadas inicialmente, causado por el cambio de alcance por parte de los actores que disponen de poder, economico y politico, disponiendo mayor tiempo de ejecucion y utilizando mayores recursos que los presupuestados inicialmente. Los casos de estudio "Repotenciacion del colegio provincia de Tungurahua y del colegio tecnico industrial Febres Cordero" pertenecen al programa planteado por el Ministerio de Educacion, con sede en la Subsecretaria de Educacion de Guayaquil. El siguiente trabajo pretende identificar de manera objetiva esta problematica, contando con las herramientas de analisis como el Marco Logico. Se pondra en ponderacion los casos de estudio para tomar en cuenta los factores que determinan el problema y permitan determinar las vias de solucion. Finalmente, se plantearan estrategias que permitan llegar a niveles de eficacia de las empresas tanto a los contratantes como los contratistas, para reducir las perdidas en construccion y llegar a los niveles de calidad deseados. Tema MODELO DE GESTION PARA EL MONITOREO DEL COSTO Y PRESUPUESTO EN OBRAS PUBLICAS. CASO PRACTICO: "INTERVENCION PARA LA REPOTENCIACION DEL COLEGIO PROVINCIA DE TUNGURAHUA Y DEL COLEGIO TECNICO INDUSTRIAL FEBRES CORDERO EN LA CIUDAD DE GUAYAQUIL, PROVINCIA DEL GUAYAS." Planteamiento del problema Bajo la situacion actual, la no aplicacion de las experiencias ganadas en obras anteriores, provoca que se comenten este tipo de errores reiterativamente en los procesos de planificacion y operacion de las obras. Lo cual reduce los niveles de eficiencia y calidad esperados, ocasiona perdidas presupuestarias, y disminuye la confiabilidad hacia la empresa contratista y la entidad publica contratante. Cuya finalidad principal es otorgar un servicio publico eficiente a los beneficiarios. Un proyecto que alcanza sus objetivos planteados inicialmente en un contexto y en un periodo de tiempo determinados no produce automaticamente los mismos efectos positivos, ni obtiene el mismo impacto, que proyectos que culminan su ejecucion en periodos no contemplados o en situaciones distintas. Actualmente se considera comun presenciar fracasos de proyectos por llevar a la practica intervenciones basadas en repeticiones anteriores. Este error puede ser objeto de una misma metodologia, convenientemente aplicada a cada caso concreto. Justificacion La planificacion estrategica para la formulacion y ejecucion de proyectos es un tema que ha sido tratado con gran interes en comisiones internacionales. La CEPAL, se ha encargado de generar una serie de manuales y lineamientos orientados a la creacion de licitaciones publicas, con el fin de integrar los procesos de contratacion en un modelo generalizado en America Latina. Sin embargo, cada caso en concreto responde a una realidad contextual. En el caso de Ecuador, las metodologias utilizadas normalmente han demostrado que los proyectos presentan una serie de situaciones imprevistas, sean de presupuesto, involucrados o condiciones externas, que han derivado en impedimentos para el alcance favorable de los objetivos en la mayoria de los casos. Por lo cual, es importante plantear una evaluacion de las metodologias